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Read One Piece Manga Chapter 181



The battle between the rebels and the royal guards is just beginning, with both sides preparing to fight each other as the rebels are only 30 minutes away on horseback from Alubarna. Chaka instructs the royal guard not to let any of the rebels into the city and orders them to guard all gates in all directions.
In front of Alubarna, agents of the baroque guns are waiting for Vivi, who have orders to kill her so that she cannot interfere with the Crocodile’s plan. Suddenly, Mr. 4 notices 6 members of the Super Spot-Billed Duck Troops approaching them, each carrying members of the Straw Hat Pirates. Miss Merry Christmas wonders why there are 6 since they only have information on 4 pirates (Luffy, Zoro, Nami, Usopp). Miss Doublefinger points out that they have another member named Mr. Prince and Vivi has the exact number. Mr. 1 reminds them that the number doesn’t matter because they are after Vivi. The agents try to determine which of the ducks is carrying Vivi, but they can’t figure it out because they are all wearing the same cloaks. At the same time, Mr. 2 notices that the rebels have almost arrived in the city, he has to do something quickly to prevent Vivi from meeting the Goat.
Mr. 4 fires an exploding baseball at the Straw Hats, but his bomb is ineffective against the speed of the ducks, who begin to split into small groups of 2. Mr. 4 and Miss Merry Christmas chase after the pair as they head south. Usopp fires his Flamestar at Mr. 1 who blocks it with his hand as the other two ducks head west. Mr. 2 is run over by two ducks heading southwest. Mr. 1 and Miss Doublefinger chase the couple that went west, and Mr. 2 chases the couple that went southwest. Unfortunately, the agents are tricked, the six ducks that Zoro and Nami (who face Mr. 1 and Miss Doublefinger), Chopper and Sanji (who face Mr. 4 and Miss Merry Christmas), Usopp and Matsuge (who face Mr. 2) were riding were decoys.
Staying behind and hiding by Karoo’s side, Vivi waited for the path to clear and thanked the others for acting as decoys. With no one standing in their way, Vivi and Karoo can now catch up with the rebels.

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