
Like all the other samurai, Chopper is discouraged by the news of Luffy’s loss, and Queen doesn’t miss the chance to reach him! Meanwhile, Kin’emon is fighting for his life to save Momonosuke, and this motivates Momonosuke to rise up!

As Luffy sinks into the ocean, Chopper continues to fight Queen, but is demotivated by his captain’s defeat. Throughout Onigashima, various samurai and allies react to Bao Huang’s announcement, with some reacting like Chopper and some refusing to believe it. Meanwhile, Onigashima approaches Wano’s own country and finally reaches land.

As the samurai begin to give up in their fight, the Nine Red Scabbards continue to fight, declaring that they will not stop until Kaidou is defeated. Izou points out how they can’t confirm Luffy’s death, and Kawamatsu remarks that even that possibility destroyed morale. However, Sanji refuses to consider that Luffy lost and gets angry at the samurai for thinking they might have lost.

Back on the Live Floor, Queen has the upper hand against Chopper and Perospero continues to bombard the samurai with arrows. They encourage everyone to give up the fight, and Queen is about to bite Chopper; however, Sanji stopped him. Sanji’s kick is hard enough to spin the queen’s head, causing it to catch all of Perospero’s arrows and send Perospero himself flying. He congratulates Chopper for delaying the Queen long enough to arrive and tells him to keep trusting Luffy before handing Zoro over to him and telling him to take care of the injured swordsman. Sanji decides to fight the queen and the samurai looks on in awe, noting that he is not giving up despite his captain being defeated.

Meanwhile, above the first floor, Kaidou easily defeats Kin’emon. Despite his injuries, Kin’emon continues to get up and stab Kaidou, giving Shinobu and Momonosuke time to run. While fighting, Kin’emon remembers the time they were sent to the present. He remembers the time he and Momonosuke pretended to be father and son and encourages him to move on with his life. However, Kaidou stabs him again and he collapses to the floor.

As Shinobu and Momonosuke run, she also remembers her time with Kin’emon. He decides to tell the members of the Ninja-Pirate-Nink-Samurai Alliance that Luffy is not dead and talks to one of the Marys and announces it all over the island. He states that Luffy is talking to him and encourages the allies to continue fighting until Luffy returns to the island.

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