
In Onigashima, Kaidou and Big Mom continue their clash. In Udon, Hyogoro is reacquainted with the other yakuza leaders who join the rebellion. At the Oihagi Bridge, Hiyori and Kawamatsu have a cordial reunion before being attacked by a group of bandits.

Kaidou and Big Mom continue their clash. Afraid of battle, the queen makes excuses to leave Onigashi. He receives a call from Babanuki who tells him that his situation is fine. In reality, Babanuki was Tama who fed him kibi dango after he was defeated.

The prisoners, fully recovered from the Mummy virus, praise Chopper for curing them and agree to fight for the rebellion. Luffy surprisingly meets four Yakuza leaders who once ruled the Wano region. Omasa of Udon, Tsunagoro of Hakumai, Cho of Ringa, and Yatappe of Kibi are all willing to join Luffy’s alliance.

Meanwhile, in Kibi, Kin’emon discovers that Ashura has obtained the plans for Kaidou’s mansion. He receives word from Raizo that they have assembled an army of 3,500 men. The only remaining problem is that they do not have a stockpile of weapons for them, since the possession of weapons has been banned in the country.
The anime adds the following:
Tama is shown taming Babanuki.
The prisoners praise Luffy for his casual attitude towards the Yakuza bosses.
The moment Hiyori left Kawamatsu is shown in a flashback.
The fight between Kaida and Big Mom is getting longer.
When Cho was first introduced in the manga, she left her right arm sleeveless.

On the Oihagi Bridge, Hiyori cries at the sight of Kawamatsu. She apologizes for leaving him. A few years ago, Hiyori felt guilty that Kawamatsu was starving to feed her, so she ran away while he slept. When Kawamatsu woke up, he searched for her in the flower capital, but to no avail. In the present, Bsack forgives her for running away, happy to be alive.

Suddenly, Gyukimaru is ambushed by a group of bandits and shot with a magnum. The bandits, angry that their weapons were stolen, attack everyone in revenge. Zoro and Kawamatsu fight against them all. Crying and hurt, Gyukimaru decides to run away.

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