
Luffy tries to defend against Big Mom’s attack, but she sends him and Hyogoro crashing into a wall. Both survive, but Big Mom continues to attack Luffy, chasing him around the Prison Mines.

Queen regains consciousness and he comes up with a plan to take down Big Mom. Once Luffy and Big Mom get back to where they started, Queen uses a dive attack and hits her in the head. The attack appears to have failed and Big Mom is regaining her memories.

Luffy recalls seeing Rayleigh use Ryuo. In the Sabaody Archipelago, Camie was fitted with an explosive slave collar when she was sold into slavery. However, Rayleigh used Ryuo to remove the collar with one hand. In the present, Luffy uses the same method in an attempt to fend off Big Mom’s attack.

Luffy’s defenses fail and Big Mom sends him and Hyogora crashing into a wall. Luffy is unharmed, but Hyogoro was hit hard in the head. Hyogoro congratulates Luffy on successfully learning the technique before collapsing into Luffy’s arms.

Big Mom chases and attacks Luffy, chasing him into the ironworks and freeing many of the prisoners. Meanwhile, Queen gets up and comes up with a plan to stop her. He expects Big Mom to chase Luffy through all five of the prison’s labor camps before heading back to the quarry. He sets a trap by placing a pot of red bean soup in the quarry as bait.

As expected, Big Mom chases Luffy back to the quarry and finds the red bean soup. However, Queen suddenly swoops down from above and hits Big Mom in the head. A head trauma causes her to regain her memories.
The anime adds the following:
Before Big Mom attacks Luffy, Kiku comments on his recklessness and Chopper expresses his trust.
Right after Hyogoro explains to Luffy about the advanced Busoshoku Haki, the following scene reveals that Hyogoro has died.
Babanuki and Daifugo are happy when they thought Hyogoro had died, but are disappointed to see that he is still alive. Kiku and Chopper are horrified, thinking the older man had died, but are relieved to see him alive.
Jumping out of Big Mom’s way, Tsunagoro wondered who Luffy was.
Omasa, Cho, and Yatappe also appear during Big Mom’s rampage. In the manga, they only appeared after Udon took over.
When Kiku is about to go to see Big Momma, Chopper stops her.
Kawamatsu comments on Luffy turning a dire situation around.
After Big Mom finds the empty pot of oshiruko prepared by Queen, she accuses Luffy of eating oshiruko again.
After being hit in the head by the Queen’s Brachio Bomber, Big Mom sees glimpses of her friends.
After being hit by Big Mom, Hyogoro was shown with blood on his head in the manga.

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