
After his capture, Tonoyasu is sentenced to be executed.

Meanwhile, Holed’em and his men fight the thieves of Mount Atama. While clashing with Ashura Doji, Holed’em sets the mountain on fire.

In Ringo Brook, he finds Zoro, Hiyori, and Toko and informs them of the impending execution in the Flower Capital.

The news comes that the infamous thief Ushimitzu Kozo has been caught. The thief is revealed to be Tonoyasu. Orochi hears of the capture and is shocked to hear that he was still alive. Orochi sentences Tonoyasu to be executed. Kyoshiro suggests burying him next to Komurasaki’s body.

Queen receives the devastating news from Kaidou that Komurasaki has died and begins to cry. At the sumo ring, Luffy and Hyogoro get fat from drinking an entire pot of red bean soup, but the officers don’t tell Queen because he’s already shocked by Komurasaki’s death.

Meanwhile, Holed’em’s men engage in battle against Shutenmara’s thieves on Mount Atama, as Carrot’s group had previously framed Shutenmara for theft. Holed’em also blames Shutenmaru for his defeat in Bakura Town, believing that Luffy was his subordinate. He sets the mountain on fire. Shutenmaru’s men retreat to Bakura City. Wanda and Carrot, watching from the top, decide to contact Inuarashi about it.

Kin’emon laments that he tricked Holed’em into destroying Shutenmaru’s hideout, but decides to head to Bakura City to recruit Shutenmaru.

In Ringo, Brook goes to the cabin only to find Hiyori sleeping with Zoro. They wake up and Brook fills them in on the news. When Toko hears that Tonoyasu has been caught and sentenced to be executed, she immediately runs out to save her father.

In the Flower Capital, Tonoyasu is escorted from his cell for execution.
The anime adds the following:
Scenes of Yasuie being tortured and taken for execution.
Brook reads the news about Yasuie’s capture.
As Orochi brags about executing Yasui, Kyoshiro’s anger is shown.
When Queen notices that Luffy and Hyogoro are fat, Luffy claims that it was just his imagination.
Holed’em and his group fighting Ashura and his band of thieves. Carrot and Wanda are shown watching the event.
After Brook finds Zoro sleeping with Hiyori and Toko, Brook leaves until Zoro tells him to come back.
After Brook says Hiyori is beautiful like an oiran, Toko says it’s because Hiyori is actually an oiran.
Brook shows Hiyori the newspaper revealing Yasui’s capture.
As Toko fled to the Flower Capital, Zoro managed to catch her.
In the manga, Ashura and his band of thieves caught only one of Holed’em’s men starting the fire. In the anime, Holed’em starts a fire in front of Ashura.
In the manga, Toko said out loud that Yasuie was her father before running out of the house. In the anime, Zoro learns that Yasuie is Toko’s father after catching up with her.

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