
Luffy and Hyo fail to climb the wall and are forced into a deadly sumo match. Meanwhile, Raizo finds Kawamatsu in prison and Nami’s group discusses Hyogoro.

Luffy and Hyo attempt to climb the wall to escape, but fall after being bombarded by arrows and rocks from below. He is then attacked by Babanuki’s elephant cannonballs. Queen says she has something to tell Luffy.

In the flower capital, Nami, Robin and Shinobu go to the spa and relax in the steam room. Nami is frustrated that it’s a mixed bath because many perverted men are following her and ignoring Shinobu. Shinobu uses a ninjutsu move on the men for insulting her and hitting their groin. They then go to another room to have the octopus wash their backs. One of the people at the spa mentions Hyogoro, prompting further discussion.

Shinobu explains that Hyogoro was a highly respected person during Oden’s reign, even earning the loyalty of the leaders of the other five regions and Oden himself. However, it is said that after the Kurozumi family took over, Hyogoro refused to serve Orochi and was killed. On the other hand, Fukurokuju agreed to serve Orochi and was spared and became the leader of his personal ninja force. Shinobu reveals that she was one of the ninja serving Orochi before she defected, which is how Hanzo knew her.

Queen talks to Hyo, who is revealed to be Hyogoro, and Luffy. He states that if Luffy joined the Beasts Pirates, he will be pardoned for his actions. However, Luffy refuses.

Raizo, who has obtained Luffy’s handcuff keys, finds Luffy near the Queen. Suddenly, the mysterious fish-eating prisoner from before called his name. Raizo is shocked to see his friend Kawamatsu, although he is chained to the wall. Unfortunately, Raizo is spotted near the cell and Solitaire is informed. Disappears in smoke.

The Queen’s men set up a giant sumo ring for Luffy and Hyo to wrestle over as some kind of impossible test. Luffy and Hyo are equipped with a collar that, when they leave the ring, ejects sharp blades and decapitates them. However, for their benefit, their bonds are removed from the Seastone. Luffy asks if they could be released from prison if they beat the Queen.
The anime adds the following:
Luffy and Hyogoro are caught trying to escape.
Raizo goes to Luffy’s cell to find him not there.
At the spa, Shinobu explains to Robin about the pomegranate gate.
In the manga, Nami and Robin are introduced to Sansuke, an octopus working at the spa, after he and Shinobu talk about Hyogoro. In the anime, Sansuke is introduced before talking about the former yakuza boss.

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