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Luffy, Zoro, Kiku, and Komachiyo enter Bakura City to rescue Tama. He later runs into Urashima participating in sumo matches. After Urashima’s men grab Kiku and bring her to the ring, Kiku rejects Urashima by cutting off his top knot. Enraged, Urashima attacks Kiku, but Luffy steps in and confronts him.

Luffy and Zoro enter Bakura Town, inadvertently creating a scene and attracting the attention of the townspeople. Luffy knocks out the citizens with his Haoshoku Haki. Kiku explains that the city was once a living castle city, but when Orochi took over, he seized the city for his own subordinates.

The sumo wrestler is suddenly thrown into the air and onto Komachiyo. A sumo match is underway and Urashima has decimated his opponents. Urashima sees Kiku and is happy to see her there, thinking she wants to marry him. He orders the other sumo wrestlers to take Kiku to him. Luffy and Zoro fight some sumo wrestlers, but the wrestlers get the upper hand and pick up Kika and take her to Urashima. Luffy and Zoro consider intervention, but remember he is a samurai and can defend himself.

The crowd mocks Kiku for being a low-class teahouse waitress, but Urashima insults the audience, calling them “plain bastards”. He leans in to kiss Kiku, but she jumps out of the way, draws her sword, and cuts through Urashi’s top knot.

Enraged, Urashima attacks Kiku, but Luffy defends her. They fight furiously, pushing against each other.

The anime adds the following:
More Urashima sumo match scenes.
Luffy’s group saw more sumo wrestlers being sent flying.
In the manga, Kiku was captured by Urashima’s men while she, Luffy, and Zoro were still on Komachiyo. In the anime, the three jump off Komachiyo and Luffy and Zoro fight sumo wrestlers. Zoro was about to draw his sword when one of them grabbed Kiku.

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