
Luffy continues to focus during his fight with Katakuri to enhance his Haki. Meanwhile, Perospero is horrified to discover that the wedding cake is on Bege’s ship, but on that ship, Sanji forbids Bege from poisoning the cake. Carrot successfully decimates Daifuku’s fleet, clearing the way for the Sunny’s crew to overtake Big Mom’s pirate fleet, and Brook brings them back to the Sunny. However, Big Mom then calls Zeus and Prometheus to her side as she jumps on Sunny with them and Napoleon to look for the cake.

After slamming Luffy into a wall with Chikara Mochi, Katakuri wonders why he doesn’t give up. Luffy lunges at him again and tries to attack, but Katakuri dodges everything Luffy throws at him and successfully counters. He then creates several Muso Donuts and attacks Luffy with many Chikara Mochi punches. Luffy tries to dodge most of them, but ends up getting caught and punched into a wall. Katakuri is then surprised to foresee what Luffy’s plan is and Luffy concentrates to use his strengthening Haki.

Meanwhile, as Bavarois’ fleet continues to pursue the Thousand Sunny, Perospero and Bavarois become concerned as Big Mom grows thinner and weaker, leading to her falling to her knees and gasping for breath. Perospero states that Big Mom’s hunger cravings have never lasted this long before, and what will happen to her next is completely unknown. Big Mom calls Zeus and Prometheus and Napoleon sends them a signal. The two buddies take this signal and race through the air to rejoin Big Mom, with Prometheus chastising Zeus for letting Nami use him against their creator and crew. Bavarois then reports to Perospero that Pudding’s wedding cake has gone to sea, but Perospero is horrified to discover that he is on Bege’s ship and panics as he can no longer believe that the cake will help them.

At Nostra Castello, Sanji is overseeing the icing on the cake when Bege’s men bring him some poison to put in the cake. Sanji immediately kicks the poison overboard, getting into an argument with Bege, who sees the cake as a great opportunity to assassinate Big Mom. However, Sanji replies that he will feed anyone who wants food and nothing more. Bege counters that keeping Big Mom alive is foolish, but Sanji then shoves a spoonful of cream into his mouth. The cream’s sweetness causes the Bege to collapse, causing his crew to confront Sanji, but retreat when they see their captain on the verge of death by happiness. The smell of the cake is so strong that a couple of the chefs start to faint and the pudding is passed out by Sanji’s powers.

Meanwhile, Carrot flies from ship to ship while in Sulong form, tearing off their helmets and rendering them uncontrollable. She is aided by Daifuku’s genie, who destroys Daifuku’s own ships when they attempt to attack her, and eventually Daifuku’s entire fleet is disabled. Brook then reaches the fleet and puts Daifuku’s men to sleep. Carrot is exhausted as the transformation takes its toll on her and faces the approaching blade of Daifuku the genie. However, Brook manages to pull her away just in time and returns to the water as he carries Carrot back to Sunny. Carrot reveals that she can transform back into her normal self by covering her eyes, and is given a hero’s welcome upon returning to Sunny. When Sunny is brought below deck to rest, Sunny is full steam ahead with Daifuku’s fleet no longer ahead of her. However, Zeus and Prometheus then return to Big Mom, and she leaps at Zeus with agility that Perospero and Bavarois have never seen before. Big Mom has Napoleon turn into a sword and Prometheus sets her hair on fire as she flies towards Sunny and jumps on them. Trying to find her wedding cake, she rips apart part of the upper deck and the Straw Hats stare at her in horror as Jinbe tells them to prepare to leave Sunny.

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