
After burying Luffy under a mountain of mochi, Katakuri believes he has won and calls his cooks to bring him snacks to enjoy. Katakuri creates a shrine where he can eat in private. Luffy broke out of the mochi he was buried under and smashed the shrine, revealing Katakuri’s face. Katakuri then executes the chef before resuming his attempts to kill Luffy. After managing to hit Katakuri, Luffy says he figured out how to defeat him and activates Gear 4.

With Luffy buried under a huge pile of mochi, Katakuri calls his cooks to bring sweets for his merienda. The chefs come out and proudly display the large donuts they have made from the rare ingredients, though the tea has cooled while Katakuri has been fighting. However, Katakuri accepts the iced tea, to their relief. Katakuri then builds a house of mochi so he can eat his snacks in private, and the chefs are amazed at what they think is Katakuri trying to find time to focus. Katakuri enters the house, warning the cooks not to let anyone in, and the cooks are shocked to notice that Luffy’s arms are no longer sticking out of the bottom of the mochi pile. They watch as the pile begins to shake and finally an obese Luffy emerges from it after eating his way out. He looks around for Katakuri and the chefs say he’s gone, but Luffy can smell the donuts from inside the mochi house. To the chef’s surprise, he runs out of the house, but is quickly horrified when he returns, having burned off all the excess calories and destroys a large part of the house with a single blow.

On Cocoa Island, the creation of the wedding cake is going smoothly, and Sanji believes he will finish it in time. Pudding works hard to focus on his task without being distracted by Sanji, and is tested when he becomes jealous by complimenting Chiffon. Meanwhile, Charlotte Oven approaches Cocoa Island, intending to check on the progress of the wedding cake.

Back in the mirror world, Luffy and the chefs discover Katakuri lying on his back singing while blissfully eating donuts with his big mouth. When Katakuri sees Luffy above him, he immediately becomes enraged and his chefs flee in fear. Katakuri approaches them in great rage and impales one of them with Mogura. The other chefs try to plead with Katakuri, promising not to tell anyone, but Katakuri ends up misinterpreting one statement as an insult from his mouth, causing him to square his hands and slam the chef into a wall with devastating force. He then turns his attention to Luffy and overpowers him with his superior Busoshoku Haki as he slams him into the ground. However, as Luffy gets up, he manages to use his Kenbunshoku Haki to dodge Katakuri’s punch and kick him in the jaw, much to his surprise. He then manages to avoid further attacks and begins to discover how Katakuri’s power works when he activates Gear 4. Enraged, Katakuri creates mochi tendrils from the ground and attacks Luffy with them, but Luffy manages to dodge them and Katakuri is unable to. keep up with him as he gets hit by Luffy’s Kong gun and is sent flying.

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