
After revealing the truth about the wedding, Pudding removes Reiju’s memories of their meeting and has her taken to the doctor to meet her doom at the wedding tomorrow. In the Treasure Room, Brook tries to use his speed to attack Big Mom, but she counters his attacks. Her friends prove resistant to the power of his soul, but even after taking several attacks from them, Brook keeps getting back up.

In the mirror world, Chopper and Carrot discover that the mirrors can tell them where they lead and work to identify their friends in the mirrors. Meanwhile, Luffy comes close to ripping off his hands while Opera prepares to torture Nami over Lola’s location. Jinbe suddenly arrives and attacks Opera to free Luffy and Nami.

As Sanji sits outside Pudding’s room, wallowing in depression after overhearing her plan to kill him and his family at the wedding tomorrow, Pudding continues to taunt him in front of Reiju. However, Reiju begins to weaken and Pudding prepares to help, as Reiju must be present at the wedding. Noting that it was impressive how Reiju managed to escape for a moment after being shot in the leg, Pudding reaches into Reiju’s head and pulls out a roll of film containing Reiju’s memories using the Memo Memo no Mi power, focusing on Reiju’s memories of being shot and he escaped before finally collapsing and being captured. Pudding then cuts out Reiju’s memories of their meeting and replaces it with someone else’s memory of being shot by a stray bullet from a chess soldier to explain Reiju’s injuries. Reiju falls unconscious and Pudding has her taken to the medical ward to treat her injuries. During this time, Sanji leaves the area outside Pudding’s room.

In the Treasure Room, Brook stands firm against Big Mom to complete his task of rewriting the Poneglyphs in her possession. Brook looks for an opening to get past Big Mom, sees none, but takes off as he runs up the wall. He then runs around the perimeter of the room, his sheer speed causing Big Mom to struggle to keep up with him. However, when he manages to get behind her and tries to attack, Big Mom quickly spots him and Prometheus fends him off. Brook is unable to land any attacks thanks to the close defense of Prometheus and Zeus, and the two weather homies attack him with powerful attacks. Brook then tries to overpower them with his soul like he did to the Chess Soldiers, but although his music is very uncomfortable, they come out unscathed. They then hurt him even more with stronger attacks, seemingly defeating him, but when Big Mom tries to grab him and take him to the collection, he crawls away and slowly gets up. Zeus and Prometheus get into an argument over who should end him, causing Brook to notice the opening on Big Mom and rush in to attack her. However, Big Mom’s two-horned man Napoleon releases the sword hidden within him and strikes Brook. Big Mom then asks the nearly defeated Brook if he’s had enough and is surprised to see him get back up. Brook says that he knows that Sanji is probably here to sacrifice himself, so it’s unlikely that he’ll come back with them. So if Luffy doesn’t succeed, he wants their mission to Whole Cake Island to be fruitful by at least getting Big Mom’s Poneglyphs. Big Mom wonders why Brook doesn’t consider the possibility of his team dying on this mission, but Brook counters that no one considers the possibility of death on their missions.

In the Mirror World, Carrot tickles Brûlée to get her to lead them to the mirrors in the Whole Cake Castle. Brûlée can’t take it anymore and steps back, revealing that although she doesn’t immediately know which mirror leads to where, Carrot and Chopper can ask them and they’ll answer. The duo ask which mirrors lead to the castle, and the mirrors identify themselves. They then ask if any of them have seen any of their friends, but the mirrors fail to identify their friends by name. To identify their friends, Karotka is going to draw them and declares herself to be a good artist.

In the Prison Library, Luffy’s arms begin to tear as he comes close to ripping them off and freeing himself, despite Nami’s constant attempts to stop him. Opera then confronts Nami and reveals that Big Mom ordered him to get Lola’s location from her while it’s still night. Nami refuses to sell Lola and Opera goes to get the crossbow and tells her that she will shoot her every five seconds until she answers. Luffy promises to free himself in five seconds, causing Nami to become even more hysterical when Jinbe suddenly enters the library. Opera is confused as Jinbe is not currently allowed in the castle, but Jinbe simply apologizes as he punches Opera in the chest with Gosenmaigawara Seiken. After shooting down Opera, Jinbe prepares to free Luffy and Nami.

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