
Luffy dares Big Mom to show up and fight him, but Big Mom says that Luffy isn’t worth it because he’s just a rookie in her eyes. In its current state, your children could handle it without their help. However, Big Mom explains that she would let him live if he gave up Sanji. The marriage between him and Pudding is extremely important to her. Therefore, she warns him again that if he jeopardizes her plans, she will make him pay. She then changes the subject and asks Luffy if he remembers giving her the treasures from Fishman Island in exchange for her sweets. To Big Mom’s surprise, Tamatebako was among them. A legendary treasure that was passed down from generation to generation in Neptune’s family. Big Mom loves treasure chests almost as much as she loves food. After the wedding, she plans to open the box in front of everyone.
Next, she wants to talk to Nami and asks if it’s true that she killed Lola. Nami denies this, explaining that she and Lola are friends and she received the Vivre card from Lola as proof of their friendship. Nami goes on to explain that she never thought Lola’s mother was a big mom. She thought Big Mom would help her because of her relationship with Lola. But Big Mom then yells at Nami to keep her mouth shut. Big Mom angrily explains that she didn’t want to hear that Lola was okay. Her wish is for Lola to be dead. Big Mom wants to know from Nami where Lola is so she can send an assassin on her immediately. He can’t believe that Lola still considers herself part of the family after what she’s done. He explains that Lola just ran away from one of the most important political marriages and Big Mama can never forgive her. Nami remembers her friend who wanted to get married and can hardly believe that she ran away from the marriage. Big Mom explains that if Lola did as she was told, she would now have the military power to defeat Kaid, Shanks, and the late Whitebeard and eventually become the Pirate King or Queen. Big Mom declares that she will torture Nami until she tells her where Lola is.
Luffy joins the conversation and explains how boring he finds the conversation. She explains again that Big Mom isn’t the Pirate King, so she shouldn’t be cocky. He challenges them to fight again, explaining that he will eventually stop the wedding, get Sanji back, and be the one who laughs last.
Treasury: Inside the Treasury, everyone is ready to intervene at any moment if someone opens the gates or if they hear signs of a struggle outside. Outside, some guards notice that all of the chess soldiers have disappeared into the corridor. Before they can investigate further, they are defeated by Pedro with a single sword strike. When someone sees a pile of defeated opponents, Pedro sets off. He soon encounters soldiers whose attacks he manages to dodge and defeat. Jaguar Mink is too fast for masses of opponents. The chess soldiers that arrive are defeated within seconds. When Pedro gets to the gate to the treasury, he wants to blow it up with a stick of dynamite, but that’s not enough, so he uses more dynamite.
Treasury, Inside: Explosions are clearly heard and Baron Tamago hears through the telesnail that the intruder is actually Pedro. Smoothie gets up and wants to take care of him. Tamago tries to stop her, but she replies that she was assigned to security and it seems like it’s a lot more fun out there than in here. He orders the gates open and finds several defeated guards outside, but no sign of Pedro.
Sanji’s Guest Room: Sanji paces around his room, trying to reassure himself that everything will be fine with his Straw Hat friends and those in Baratié because Big Mom promised. Still, Sanji can’t stop worrying and takes a long drag on his cigarette. He doesn’t want Pudding, his only ray of hope at the moment, to see him like this at the wedding, and tries to regain his composure or return to his lovelorn self so that no one notices that he’s worried.
Pudding’s Room: Pudding learns from the maid that Nami had Lola’s Vivre Card and she and Luffy were captured. Plus, Big Mom rejected her wedding dress and wants her to wear what she picked out for her. By that time, Big Mom had planned everything: her groom, the wedding and what would happen afterwards. Pudding then leaves the room with a sad look on his face. She walks out onto the balcony where it’s raining and thinks about how her mother once called her a doll and told her to do what she was told. Shortly afterwards, he remembers saying goodbye to Lola, who decided to look for a man for life on her own.
Prison Library: Big Mom explains that she dismisses Luffy’s challenge as nonsense and won’t get upset about it because she’ll have a lot of fun tomorrow. Shortly after, he hangs up on a telesnail. Mont d’Or and his siblings mock Luffy for wanting to fight Big Mom in their own castle. Shortly after, her younger brother Charlotte Anglaise arrives and tells them about the intruder at the cash register. Perospero says there’s no need to worry because Tamago and Smoothie are on alert.
Throne Room: Zeus asks Big Mom if she was really mad at Luffy. She denies it because tomorrow they will finally receive the military power of Germa 66, Tamatebako and a huge wedding cake. With so many good tomorrows, today can tolerate almost anything. Suddenly, her Napoleon Hat receives a signal from the other friends that an intruder has been spotted at the cash register. In an instant, Big Mom’s good humor disappears and anger bubbles up again at the thought that someone might be targeting Tamatebako.
Wine Cellar: Brook hears Pedro draw attention to himself with more explosions, and Smoothie and Tamago, among others, are now running after him. Brook draws his sword and declares it’s time to start his own show.

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