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In the Mirror World, Chopper and Carrot fight against Brûlée and her henchmen, but are overpowered by their own reflections. At Whole Cake Castle, Sanji makes a deal with Big Mom to spare his friends if he marries without opposition. In a battle with an enraged army, Amande kills Kingbaum by cutting him in half, Galette immobilizes Nami, and although Luffy continues to fight here, he is eventually caught and defeated. He tries to stay in his waiting spot while the army and Nami drag him away, but is knocked out.

Luffy continues to fight his way through hordes of chess soldiers and Charlotte Mascarpone and Joscarpone confront him. Two Snake Ravens stab him with spears, but Luffy dodges them and kicks them in the neck. Bobbin and the other chess soldiers approach Luffy and Bobbin says that Luffy is close to his limit so they should continue attacking, but Luffy replies that he is not going anywhere. Meanwhile, Nami helps Luffy by unleashing another massive round of lightning, but before she can use Big Mom’s storm clouds again, Galette binds her hands with a gelatinous mass. Galette covers Nami’s body in a sparkly liquid mass, forcing her off the Kingbaum and onto the ground. Amande then follows Kingbaum until she reaches his face and pulls her Meito Shirau from its sheath. Kingbaum tries to plead again that he is not in control of his actions, but Amanda doesn’t listen as she slowly inserts her sword into his body. She cuts him vertically very slowly, and the distressed friend begs her to kill him quickly, but she replies that an enemy is only worth killing slowly and painfully. As Luffy continues to fight the Chess Soldiers, Mont-d’Or stands over him on two levitating books and comments that his feat is impressive since the Chess Soldiers are not weak and he is already worn out from fighting Cracker. However, Opera attacks Luffy again and burns him with cream.

In the mirror world, Chopper and Carrot face Brûlé, Randolph, Noble Croc and Diesel. Chopper immediately goes on the attack as he pounds on Noble Croc before intercepting Randolph’s attack. Diesel rushes at high speed to attack Carrot, but she dodges him even faster and he has to quickly turn around to deflect her Electro punch. However, Brûlée emerges from the mirror behind Carrot and Chopper barely manages to pull her out of the way of Brûlée’s scythe. Brûlée’s attack frees Chopper and Carrot from their chains and she quickly enters another mirror. Suddenly, three reflection duplicates, Chopper and Carrot each, enter the Mirror World and subdue the two of them.

Luffy tries to attack Opera with the Elephant Gun, but Mont-d’Or blocks his attack with a book that seems to suck him. Luffy is under the illusion that he is in the world of the book, and when various threats come in to attack him, he reacts to it in the real world even though no one is attacking him, which confuses Nami. Big Mom’s pirates then take turns attacking Luffy while he is blinded, and Luffy is attacked by both their real attacks and fake attacks inside the book. Charlotte Counter and Cadenza bring it home by hitting Luffy from both sides with massive Haki-infused fists, and after the second attack, Luffy finally collapses. Meanwhile, Sanji walks down the hall in the Whole Cake Castle until he reaches Big Mom’s throne room, where she sits and eats desserts. Sanji tells her that he will marry Pudding without objecting, and in return asks that Big Mom spare his friends. Big Mom agrees to this deal, though she points out that the Straw Hats have already committed heinous offenses against her. However, she lets them go because the wedding ceremony tomorrow is more important to her and Sanji is overjoyed. Meanwhile, the enraged army rejoices in their victory and examines the damage caused by the battle. Amande then approaches Nami, reaches into her dress and pulls out the Vivre Card she got from Lola. The army is shocked and thinks that Nami killed Lola, although Nami tries to explain that they are friends. The army then carries her away and Counter tries to pull Luffy off the ground, but to his surprise, Luffy is still conscious and clinging to the grass. Counter stomps Luffy several times and finally manages to throw Luffy away and successfully drags him away from where he promised to wait for Sanji.

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