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Nami produces rain to soften the Cracker’s Biscuit Soldiers, allowing Luffy to eat and neutralize them. This goes on for several hours, leaving Cracker exhausted and angry, though Luffy’s stomach is almost at its limit. Meanwhile, Brûlée finds Chopper and Carrot in the Mirror World and starts chasing them with a scythe.

In the Germa Kingdom, Reiju gives Sanji a face mask to hide his swollen injuries while the Vinsmoke family prepares to go to Whole Cake Castle. Sanji reveals to Reiju how he gained his knighthood through Zeff’s parental example on Baratia.

Luffy and Cracker fight and Cracker summons more Cookie Soldiers to attack as Luffy let Nami go back to her friends under her control. A hungry Luffy tries to eat one of the soldiers but is unable to bite him. Cracker states that his crackers are particularly hard and inedible, but the exchange causes Nami to remember that Cracker’s soldiers are made of crackers. He then launches a Rain Spark, showering all of Cracker’s creations with rain. One of them hits Luffy and blasts him back, but his sword shatters and Luffy is able to break them with a simple Gatling attack. Luffy and Nami realize that the cookies have an edible composition when moistened, and Nami encourages Luffy to eat the cookie soldiers. He does so, consuming parts of the cookie soldiers, and with parts of them in Luffy’s stomach, they are unable to regenerate and are thus disabled. When the rain stops, Cracker makes more cookie soldiers, but considering their weakness, Nami has Luffy follow her and friends under her control to a place where they can change the flavor of the cookies. As they run, they are chased by Cracker and his soldiers.

In the Teutonic Kingdom, Sanji was left barely conscious on the floor of the cloning facility after being beaten by his brothers. After his brothers leave, some of the servants try to attend to him, but Reiju walks in and orders them to leave, insisting despite their pleas. As this happens, Judge is finishing up preparations for their family to head to Whole Cake Castle to meet Big Mom. Reiju takes Sanji into a room where he places a gelatin mask over Sanji’s face. The mask crackles with electricity, giving Sanji a nasty shock. Eventually, the mask stops the swelling in his face, though it still hurts to the touch as his bruises have worsened. Reiju remarks that he doesn’t understand why Sanji only came back here for Zeff, though he assures him that at least he’ll have the comfort of a married life with Pudding. He then asks why he is so chivalrous and Sanji explains. When he was still a child on Baratie, he and his co-workers begged Zeff to hire a cook. Zeff refused, saying that he used kicks to discipline people, something he couldn’t do to a woman. Sanji couldn’t understand why he couldn’t kick the woman, causing Zeff to kick him in the head several times. Zeff explained to Sanji that it was unbecoming of a man to kick a woman, and if Sanji did that, he would cut off his head because it would mean he had failed as a parent; Zeff’s confirmation of his parental relationship with Sanji caused Sanji to be surprised.

In the Mirror World, Brûlée searches for Chopper and Carrot, wondering where they might have gone after she put the shackles on them. Meanwhile, Chopper and Carrot again fail to find the mirror with Sanji on the other side, and at that moment Brûlée appears in front of them. Grabbing their shackles, the duo run in fear as Brûlée chases after them, scythe in hand, though they quickly tire of their chains.

Later, Luffy throws Biscuit Soldier into a river of juice, giving Cracker’s powers a juicy taste as he consumes them. Cracker is angered by Luffy’s actions, but continues to force the soldiers to chip away at Luffy’s stamina. Nami unleashes another rain cloud and tells Luffy to enjoy the normal flavored cookies this time. However, Luffy begins to feel full as he grows larger. A few hours passed and Luffy became quite bloated as his stomach reached its limits. Cracker doesn’t fare any better as he’s exhausted, but continues to make cracker soldiers. With Nami still up and around thanks to the protection of her friends, Cracker yells at Kingbaum for his disobedience; despite Kingbaum’s pleas that Nami is forcing him to act against his will, Cracker won’t hear it. Despite his exhaustion and rage, Cracker is confident that he can overpower Luffy; as Nami starts more rain, Luffy doesn’t think he can eat anymore. However, driven by his desire to reunite with Sanji, Luffy puts it off and proceeds to eat through Cracker’s cookie soldiers, causing the stalemate to continue.

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