
Charlotte Cracker confronts Luffy and Nami and pulls the buried man, Pound, out of the ground. Cracker reveals to Pound that Big Mom gave permission to kill him, and Pound begs him to let him see his daughters Chiffon and Lola one last time. The mention of Lola’s name shocks Nami, who remembers meeting her at Thriller Bark. She remembers being given a Vivre Card pointing to Lola’s mother and realizes that Lola’s mother is Big Mom.

Randolph, Charlotte Brûlée, and the giant tree homie Kingbaum arrive to finish the job against the Straw Hats, and Brûlée reveals that he has Carrot and Chopper trapped in a mirror, which he breaks. Claiming that it is now his responsibility to eliminate their enemies, Cracker attempts to execute Pound. However, Luffy blocks his punch and as the two fight, Nami and Pound run away. They are chased by Brûlée and friends, but following her hunch, Nami pulls out Lola’s Vivre Card. The Vivre card emits the aura of Big Mom’s powerful soul and makes it impossible for all friends to attack.

Charlotte Cracker walks through the luscious woods and the friends around him wonder what he’s doing here. Cracker confronts them and asks if he wasn’t welcome, and the friends quickly retreat in horror as they confirm their welcome. Cracker emits an aura of immense power and causes a small explosion that takes out all the friends around him. In a nearby clearing, Buried continues to talk to Luffy and Nami about his past, with Big Mom revealing that she dumped him after he fathered two daughters with her. Now the homies in the woods don’t shun him, they just don’t care. Just then, to Luffy and Nami’s shock, Cracker emerges behind him and grabs the man’s ponytail as he pulls him off the ground. The man eventually fully emerges, shocking Luffy and Nami when his body is revealed to be the same size as his head; the two Straw Hats imagined him as a full-fledged giant. Cracker confronts the man about spilling the information and the man begs him to at least let him see his daughter Chiffon one last time since he heard she got married. He begs Cracker to let him see Linlin, noting that although his other daughter Lola ran away, he values ​​both of his daughters very much.

Nami is shocked to hear Lola’s name and remembers Pudding telling them about one of her sisters escaping in his cafe. She then remembers meeting Lola at Thriller Bark while she was a zombie because she protected herself from Lola’s attack by pretending to be a man. She offered to help Lola seduce Absalom; later, after Lola crashes her arranged marriage to Absalom and is hurt, Nami reveals that she is not a man, but Lola already knew that, and the two make peace as friends. Nami then met the real Lola on the Thousand Sunny and hugged her; after successfully retrieving all the stolen shadows including Lola’s, Lola gave Nami a Vivre card leading to her mother because she came from the New World and her mother was a very powerful pirate there. Nami deduces from her memories and the buried man’s statement and realizes that Lola’s mother must be a big mom.

Suddenly, Randolph descends from the sky on his crane and attempts to ambush Luffy and Nami. However, Cracker yells at him to stop and knocks him and his crane away. Cracker’s scream causes him to emit an aura of power again, causing all his friends around him to faint in horror. Cracker expresses anger at Randolph that the rabbit homie is acting important and trying to interfere with his work, and Randolph claims that his crane wanted to do it, which the crane vehemently denies. Luffy and Nami stare at Cracker as they try to gauge his strength, and Cracker reveals that Big Mom sent him to make sure the Straw Hats were taken care of because Luffy defeated Doflamingo and she was worried that Brûlée might be in trouble. However, Brûlée arrives on a giant homie named Kingbaum to protest Cracker’s statement, as they both claim that no one has ever left the Enchanted Woods alive. Cracker replies that Big Mom needed the Straw Hats dealt with quickly and decisively, because tomorrow at noon the Vinsmoke family will be fully assembled on Whole Cake Island. Brûlée reveals that she knows and has already made progress on this goal as she creates the mirror. Luffy initially mistakes it for a tree branch and in response turns the duplicates of his crew back into animals before showing Chopper and Carrot trapped in a mirror. Luffy is shocked by this, and Brûlée drops the mirror from Kingbaum’s branch to the ground, breaking it. However, Chopper and Carrot are still fine, just trapped in the confines of the broken mirror. Chopper then reveals the plan he came up with to Luffy and Nami.

Cracker then gets cracking and prepares to execute his stepfather first. The man begs him to let him see Linlin, but Cracker reveals that Big Mom has approved for him to execute her ex-husband. The man is shocked, saying he is Cracker’s stepfather, but Cracker replies that Big Mom doesn’t consider her 43 ex-husbands her real family, nor any of her children. The man begs for a chance to give his two blood daughters a blessing, but Cracker ignores him as he swings his sword at him. However, Luffy blocks the sword strike with his foot and immediately flips over and kicks Cracker in the arm, forcing him to let go of the previously buried man. Cracker is surprised that he is defending Luffy’s man, and Luffy replies that he married him after spending a lot of time with him. As Luffy stands steadfast in the face of Cracker’s immense power, everyone around them flees in fear of their upcoming big clash. However, Brûlée calls them back to chase after Nami and her stepfather, and Nami and the man are forced to flee. As they are being chased, the man reveals that his name is Pound after being questioned, thinking about Nami’s earlier reaction to the mention of Lola. Nami then pulls out the Vivre Card that Lola gave her, revealing that she got it from her. However, the card emits an aura that stops the buddies, including Kingbaum and Randolph, dead in their tracks. Shocked, Brûlée wonders why they stopped the chase, and Kingbaum reveals that Big Mom’s powerful soul is emanating from the card, shocking Nami when her suspicions that Lola is Big Mom’s daughter are confirmed.

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