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Wanda continues to tell the Straw Hats about the Mink tribe’s battle with Jack, revealing that it lasted five days. On the fifth day, however, Jack lost patience and subdued the minks with poison gas. The beast pirates killed many minks and crucified Inuarashi, Nekomamushi and the strongest mink warriors and tortured them for a day. However, Jack left at the end of the day, and in the present Inuarashi reveals that Jack left to save Doflamingo, meaning that the Straw Hats on Dressrose helped save the minks.

The day after Jack’s departure, Sanji, Nami, Chopper, Brook, Momonosuke, and Caesar Clown reached Zou, and Sanji took Chopper and Caesar further into the ruined Mokomo Duchy. Soon after, the others witnessed Tristan being chased by Sheepshead and Ginrummy and managed to let Tristan escape. Meanwhile, Sanji, Chopper and Caesar entered Kurau City covered in gas and a barely conscious Pedro begged them to save Inuarashi and Nekomamushi.

As night still reigns over the Duchy of Mokomo, Wanda continues to tell the Straw Hats about the Mink tribe’s battle with Jack, revealing that it lasted five days. 17 days ago, Nekomamushi began an intense and fast clash with Jack, and the mink was surprised that the pirate was able to keep up with his crew. He managed to get close to Jack and knock him to the ground, though Jack retaliated by knocking the mink quite far back. Jack then lunged at Nekomamushi, but the mink blocked the attack by spinning his spear. Nekomamushi then circled Jack and jumped between several buildings before successfully knocking the pirate off balance. He then set up a finishing blow, but Jack was able to recover and counter, though Nekomamushi managed to kick him in the forehead. Jack didn’t fail in the blow as he wiped away the mark he left, and Nekomamushi noticed that Jack was much harder to defeat than he had anticipated. However, his strange demeanor quickly turned furious as he screamed that he was going to kill Jack; The pirate merely replied that he would like to see the minks try it.

Finally, 6:00 arrived and the Rangers withdrew, much to the irritation of the Beasts Pirates. Nekomamushi told the reluctant Bepa to back off before telling Jack not to let Inuarashi kill him so he could finish off the pirate the next night. Inuarashi and the Musketeers then arrived and the Gifters decided to attack Inuarashi, but were foiled by the Musketeers as their leader continued to fight Jack. Inuarashi managed to overpower Jack and knock him into a building, complaining that it made him smell Nekomamushi, but Jack emerged from the rubble and knocked him into a building on the opposite side. Inuarashi recovered from the blow and the two continued to clash. The Musketeers and Rangers alternated in and out of battle for the next five days, and although the Beast Pirates sent reinforcements from their fleet into the ocean below, the Minks were eventually able to gain the upper hand. However, they were unable to overpower Jack himself, although Jack was still unable to take down Inuarashi and Nekomamushi, resulting in him becoming impatient and ending the battle with a poison gas weapon.

Back in the present, the Straw Hats are shocked to hear about this, and Chopper reveals that Jack used one of Caesar Clown’s gas weapons to destroy this country. Robin deduces that these weapons went from Caesar to Doflamingo, who sold them to Kaidou, Jack’s captain, and Luffy becomes angry with Caesar. 12 days ago, the gas spread to Kurau City and immediately caused Wanda, Inuarashi, and all the other Musketeers to fall to the ground. Except for those who had retreated to the rear of the Fort on the right wing, most of the Minks were defeated and slaughtered as the Beast Pirates took pleasure in repeating their question about the samurai, whom the Minks repeatedly claimed they did not know before killing them. Back in the present, Wanda becomes emotional recounting the atrocity, but continues to reveal that the Rangers were also defeated and attacked. However, the pirates still didn’t get an answer, so they crucified and tortured the strongest mink warriors, including Inuarashi and Nekomamushi. They continued to interrogate the minks about the samurai, and a determined Inuarashi and Nekomamushi continued to deny any knowledge of either, causing an angry Jack to attack them both. The torture lasted all day before Jack left Zou, leaving some of his men behind. Back in the present, Inuarashi reveals that the Straw Hats caused it, and the pirates are surprised that he’s awake. Inuarashi says that he read Jack’s obituary and realized that he tried to save Doflamingo who was knocked down by the Straw Hats on Dressrose. So the Straw Hats spared them another attack and Wanda is even more grateful to them.

Chopper then reveals that he, Sanji, Nami, Brook, Momonosuke and Caesar arrived on Zou the day after Jack left. Everyone was confused that Zou was on the elephant, and Caesar tried to convince them not to enter, but they forced him to take them up there like a hot air balloon. Passing through the destroyed gate, they surveyed the heavily damaged Duchy of Mokomo with the possibility of the attackers putting them on edge. Sanji left Nami, Brook, and Momonosuke at the gate as he took Chopper and Caesar ahead, and Chopper had to punch Caesar to get him to move. While Sanji, Chopper, and Caesar surveyed the land in front of them, Brook, Nami, and Momonosuke wondered what had happened to the land. Suddenly they heard Tristan calling for help as she emerged from the forest, being chased by Sheepshead and Ginrummy on a crocodile boar. Determining that she was the victim and Sheepshead was the villain, Nami dragged Tristan to safety. Sheepshead turned as he gleefully expressed his desire to torture and interrogate Tristan. Nami left the pirates to Brook and Sheepshead was horrified by Brook’s skeletal appearance. Brook then used Soul Solid to freeze the ground around them, causing Sheepshead and Ginrummy’s steeds to slip and fall. However, Tristan was frightened by Brook and Momonosuke’s strange appearance and ran away, causing the Straw Hats to chase after her, and an enraged Sheepshead rose with the intention of chasing the pirates. Meanwhile, Sanji, Chopper, and Caesar discover the gas-covered city of Kurau and are shocked by all the suppressed minks lying in the streets. As they were getting ready to leave so as not to succumb to the gas, Pedro called out to them. The severely injured mink figured the pirates were not on Jack’s side and begged them to save Inuarashi and Nekomamushi, saying that the world was waiting for them. Inuarashi and Nekomamushi are seen unconscious by their crucifixes, with Inuarashi missing his left leg and Nekomamushi’s left forearm.

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