
17 days ago, Inuarashi and Jack fought evenly while the Musketeers continued to fight the Beasts Pirates. The battle briefly turned in the Musketeers’ favor when the Eruption Rain arrived, but the enemy pirates quickly recovered. However, when 18:00 came, Inuarashi and the musketeers left and the guards led by Nekomamushi arrived. Nekomamushi dealt a large blow to Jack, causing Scourge to return to human form and the two leaders clashed.

17 days ago, Inuarashi arrived at the scene of the battle and confronted Jack and the Beasts Pirates, begging them to stop their senseless attack. The Beasts pirates refused to stop until they found Raizo, despite the Minks’ constant pleas that they didn’t know him. Tensions rose and both sides prepared to resume combat, but Inuarashi yelled at them to wait as he dismounted from his horse and approached Jack alone. He unsheathed and raised his sword, but unexpectedly dropped it as he offered Jack a chance to search the entire island in peace. However, Jack refused and swung his suitcase at Inuarashi. The Norks were shocked and worried about the fate of their duke, while the beast pirates were happy. Wanda tried to attack them in anger, but Shishilian held her back as the dust cleared. Inuarashi was then seen standing and holding Jack’s trunk, relieving the minks and shocking the pirates. The pirates expressed their surprise that the Norse had such a strong fighter, though one of them stated that they had nothing to fear as they were following Jack, a powerful pirate with a bounty of 1,000,000,000 Beli. Expressing irritation at his subordinate’s bragging, Jack told Inuarashi that he would call off his attack when Raizo was found. Inuarashi was horrified by Jack’s lack of sense, and the pirate also stated that he liked to cause destruction. Inuarashi then accepted that battle was their only option and ordered the musketeers to attack.

The battle raged on, the Norse using Electro and the Gifters using their animal powers to attack each other. Inuarashi and Jack battled each other, and Inuarashi ran onto Jack’s trunk before driving his electric sword into the pirate’s head. The attack caused Jack to slide into a nearby building, destroying it, and the Minks were excited. However, Jack quickly emerged from the wreckage and stated that such an attack would not work on him before charging. Inuarashi said that the gate to the Mokomo Duchy was destroyed this way, and he meets Jack’s challenge as he swings his sword at the pirate’s head, creating a massive clash. In the present, the Straw Hat Pirates react with surprise at the account of the great power that both sides possessed. However, Luffy doesn’t care because he says he will beat Jack one day. Zoro reflects on the outcome of the battle and Wanda states that it only got more intense from there. Inuarashi and Jack continued their clash, with Jack overpowering the Duke and throwing him into a building, though Inuarashi escaped before Jack could ram him. The Three Gifters, known as the Gifters Grip Trio, killed several Musketeers before confronting the Three Musketeers of Inuarashi. Shishilian declared that the Three Musketeers would win the 3v3 battle, though he himself quickly sent out a trio of Gifters Grip right after. As the battle continued, Zunesha raised her trunk as the eruptive rain began; a sudden flood of water swept the Beasts Pirates away, though Jack stood firm and could not be moved. The Minks were riding the crocodile boars as they overpowered the disoriented pirates, though several of them recovered, attempting to defend themselves and carry off the steeds. Although the Norse had the upper hand during the flood, the pirates recovered easily once the water receded and the battle continued.

Much time passed and the visibly worn musketeers continued to fight the pirates as the sun began to set. At that moment the clock struck 18:00 and a loud scream rang out from the Whale Forest. Inuarashi ordered his soldiers to retreat, stating that the shift system would still be in place despite the ongoing battle. He then told Jack not to think he was the only unreasonable man in town, and the Musketeers disappeared from town. The guards, led by Nekomamushi, then charged into the city, with an angry Nekomamushi threatening the attackers before grabbing Jack by the trunk and tossing him onto his back. As Nekomamushi licked his paws, Jack returned to his human form and drew his weapons. The Guardians were preparing to battle the Beasts Pirates when the Heart Pirates suddenly came to their aid. Nekomamushi told Bepo that he was not obligated to fight, but Bepo was determined to defend his homeland and please Nekomamushi. He and Jack then began their clash.

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