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Sailing through a hailstorm in the New
World, the Straw Hat Pirates and their allies are shocked by the Barto Club’s navigational ineptitude. That night, Luffy and Bartolomeo are captured by the Desire and Sweet Pirates, who take them to Silver Mine Island.

At the Silver Mine, the Silver Pirate Alliance, led by Bill, prepares to kill Luffy, who is trapped in a silver ball. However, Bartolomeo helps Luffy escape and the two are chased by the Sweet Pirates, only to fall into a chasm along with Desire. Bill hears about this and leaves it to Aveyron while he donates the silver to a certain man.

Going Luffy-senpai sails through the New World and the Barto Club eagerly prepares the straw pirates for a feast. Suddenly, large pieces of hail start falling and Bartolomeo tells the Straw Hats to get inside. They refuse, want to help, and ask where their navigator is. The Barto Club reveals that they have no navigator and call Grandma at home if they need help. Gambia calls her to ask about the hail, but to the Straw Hats’ shock, she only gives home advice such as taking the gum off the deck and treating lumps caused by hail. The Straw Hats start to panic and Zoro asks why Bartolomeo doesn’t block the hail with his barrier, but Bartolomeo replies that their grandmother told them not to go against nature. Luffy then jumps onto the mast and quickly blows away the hail coming for them, causing the Barto Club to stare in admiration and Bartolomeo musing on how happy he is to be traveling with Luffy.

That night the pirates sleep on board. Luffy gets hungry and gets up, which Bartolomeo notices. He gets up and follows Luffy, wanting to be with him and help him if possible. Suddenly, a giant piece of meat flies over the ship, Luffy eagerly grabs it, and a shocked Bartolomeo follows. They are pulled onto a floating platform and Peseta is amazed to note that Desire, the woman before Luffy and Bartolomeo, has managed to capture Luffy. The Straw Hats wake up and confront the kidnappers, with Usopp shooting Pop Green. However, Desire and her accomplices destroy it and Franky attacks with the gun on the left. He knocks one of the kidnappers off her ship, but otherwise fails as Desire rescues her accomplice. Peseta and his men then fire cannonballs at Going Luffy-senpai, but the balls release a sticky substance that traps the Straw Hats and the Barto Club. The kidnappers then escape with Luffy and Bartolomeo in tow.

On the Silver Mine, a deserted island near Dressrosa, a group of people bring treasure and a pirate to a giant silver fortress in the center. Inside, Bill sits on a throne, eating chunks of rock and releasing a molten substance as he heads outside. Meanwhile, Bartolomeo is forced to mine ore and Peseta whips him if he stops working. Bartolomeo asks him if Luffy is okay, and Peseta confirms it, but says that it might not be like that in ten minutes. Bartolomeo attacks Peseta with his pickaxe, but Peseta walks away, with Bartolomeo unable to create a barrier as his hands are stuck to the pickaxe. Meanwhile, Luffy is in a prison cell with his whole body encased in a silver sphere, trying in vain to somehow escape. Desire and Sweet Pirates visit him and reveal that they destroyed Going Luffy-senpai and that they are the ultimate weapon group thanks to Bill’s Gutsu Gutsu no Mi. Luffy yells that he’s lying, which angers Desire deeply, but Luffy stops yelling as he weakens from hunger. He asks Desire if he can eat the meat she lured him with and she refuses but ends up giving him some of her chocolate. Then he gets a phone call and tells his accomplices it’s time.

Bill walks into the auditorium and all of his henchmen excitedly chant his name. He welcomes his crew, the Silver Pirate Alliance, and some of the men present to the wanted pirates they captured. Desire then arrives with Luffy in tow and the pirates are shocked to have captured the famous pirate. Bill tells his men that they banded together to form a large, high-powered crew, defeating over a hundred enemy crews in the process. By building enough strength, they will strive to become the best pirates in the world and even surpass the Four Emperors. Bill presents the bodies of their enemies, all mummified in metal, and tells Luffy that this is where he will end up as he reaches into his molten chest to reveal that he ate the Gutsu Gutsu no Mi and became a blast furnace human. As some molten lava is launched from Bill’s body, Bartolomeo suddenly flies upstage, ready to defend Luffy. He holds back the Silver Pirate Alliance with his pickaxe, but the pickaxe is broken by Desire. Bartolomeo is fully aware that it is Desire and asks her what she is doing here, but she replies that it is none of his business. Bill pulls out two molten swords from his chest and attacks Luffy, who rolls away and Bill’s attack cuts into the silver orb, melting part of it. Luffy and Bartolomeo are cornered by the Silver Pirate Alliance, but Luffy intends to escape as he rolls through the pirates, and Bartolomeo gives chase.

Luffy rolls over more pirates as he rolls down the ramp, but loses the energy that Desire’s chocolate bar gave him and rolls back down and back onto the stage, rolling to the exit on the opposite side. Enraged, Bill orders his subordinates to chase after Luffy and Bartolomeo, and Desire and her crew return to their battleships. Luffy and Bartolomeo rest outside, having lost their pursuers, and Luffy trusts Bartolomeo to watch over him while he’s in the silver ball, which the pirate is eager to do. Luffy gets hungry and wishes he had more of Desire’s chocolate, and Bartolomeo reveals that he and Desire were once childhood friends. They set out to sea separately, but Bartolomeo wonders why he is now their enemy. They are suddenly confronted by Desire and her crew and run away. The Sweet Pirates chase after them in their racers and Desire offers Bill to spare her old friend Bartolomeo if he hands over Luffy, but a steadfast Bartolomeo refuses to betray his idol as he starts rolling with the silver orb. Angered, Desire quickly fires cannonballs at Luffy and Bartolomeo, but ends up creating a chasm into which the two pirates fall. However, Desire fails to stop in time and also falls into the chasm, causing her stopping colleagues to look down in shock.

At Bill’s throne, Tanaka comes through the floor and wonders what the outside crash is. Peseta presents Tanaka with a large amount of silver, for which he is grateful. Bill tells Tanaka to greet Gildo Tesoro for him and also to take care of the wanted pirates they captured. Suddenly, Peseta calls and tells Bill that Luffy, Bartolomeo and Desire fell into the abyss. Bill tells him to call Aveyron and inside the Aveyron ge underground mine track

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