
Sabo walks away from a defeated Burgess, but Burgess angers him by talking about Ace, causing Sabo to burn him badly.

Meanwhile, the marines have arrested all of the Donquixote pirates except for Viola, Baby 5, and Bellamy. Maynard broadcasts the destruction of Dressrosa to three neighboring islands, and when this happens, the people of Dressrosa plead with Riku Dold III to return to the throne. Doldo still refuses until Elizabello II supports the citizens’ request and Fujitora then arrives with a squad of marines. As many people watch, Fujitora and the marines fall to the ground in front of Dold in apology for the World Government allowing Doflamingo to rule over Dressrosa. A record of this is kept, and soon the news of Doflamingo’s defeat by Luffy and Law’s alliance spreads throughout the world.

The citizens of Dressrosa continue to celebrate Doflamingo’s defeat as Gatz tearfully states that he never expected Doflamingo to be defeated like this before hanging up his Den Den Mushi. Sabo also happily watches the rising sun and walks away from the defeated Burgess. Burgess wonders why Sabo doesn’t finish him off, but Sabo doesn’t feel the need. However, Burgess tells Sabo that Ace said something to them during his defeat on Banaro Island when Sabo’s Den Den Mushi rang. His colleagues in the Revolutionary Army wait impatiently in the underground port for him to pick up their call, but one claims that Sabo only answers when he feels like it. Burgess tells Sabo that Ace told them not to tell his brother about his defeat because he knew what the Marines would do to him. However, Sabo grabs Burgess’s head and holds it tightly as he replies that he already knows and is not interested in revenge. Burgess holds his dagger behind his back, determined to get the Mera Mera no Mi so he doesn’t lose his reputation, and asks Sab about the regret he felt for not being around to try and save Ace before attacking the revolutionaries with his dagger. However, Sabo easily dodges the blow and states that this is why he didn’t want to regret more than burning Burgess with Hiken. As Burgess flies off into the distance, Sabo responds with his Den Den Mushi where Koala reveals that they are ready to go and just waiting for him. Sabo asks if she got the list, which she confirms, but abruptly hangs up, causing Koala to punch the revolutionary holding the Den Den Mushi.

Meanwhile, the marines search Dressrosa for the Donquijote pirates. Everyone is located, sans Bellamy, and the marines are warned that many of the officers are using devil fruit and told to bind them with a sea rock. As they watch all the lower-ranking pirates being led away, Sai and Chinjao note that this marks the true end of Doflamingo’s crew, and Sai tells Baby 5 to stay with him, which she happily obliges. As the marines bind Doflamingo with seastone chains, one marine asks the other if they reported this to Marine HQ. The other replies that Admiral Fujitora actually told them not to report yet. Meanwhile, Maynard stands on a pile of rubble above the ground and is told that his Den Den Mushi is ready, and Maynard tells his men to take another one and follow Fujitora as ordered. While Fujitora walks the streets with a squad of marines, Maynard broadcasts to Applenine Island and two other islands near Dressrosa. He reveals that the wreckage he’s standing on is what Doflamingo did to Dressrose today and tells the people on the neighboring islands to spread the word about the Shichibukai’s actions.

Elsewhere, the citizens of Dressrosa surround Riku Dold III, begging him to return to the throne after realizing they were tricked ten years ago. Doldo strongly rejects this, saying that his family’s pacifist philosophy would only lead to destruction if something like Doflamingo reappeared. But the people reply that they will be willing to accept it as well as the poverty they were in, to regain the peace they once had. Suddenly Elizabello II arrives. and he says that, as a warring king, this call for peace irritated him. However, he tells Dold that he wants him to return to the throne and act hard to ward off the enemy lands like he once did. Suddenly, Fujitora and the marines reach Dold, and the admiral’s arrival shocks the citizens of Dressrosa and neighboring islands who are watching the broadcast. Fujitora tells Dold that the World Government allowed Doflamingo to take over Dressrosa because he was a Shichibukai. Fujitora and the marines then fell to the ground in front of Dold in apology for their actions, shocking everyone watching. The people on the neighboring islands record this event, and word soon spreads around the world, revealing that Doflamingo has been overthrown by Luffy and Law’s pirate alliance.

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