
Law performs a Counter Shock to finish off Doflamingo. However, Doflamingo uses his powers to revive himself and attack Law. Luffy stops Doflamingo and the two clash using Haoshoku Haki. During the battle, Trebol recalls finding the young Doflamingo and giving him the power to kill anyone he wanted.

Law stands over a battered Doflamingo, preparing to finish off the Shichibukai and avenge Corazon. Enraged, Trebol attacks him, but Luffy kicks him out of the way. Doflamingo remembers how Law came to the Donquijote Pirates who resembled himself, but changed after Corazon took him in and betrayed him. Doflamingo tells Law how he really felt about Corazon, who was a useless traitor to him. An angry Law then attacks Doflamingo with Counter Shock, causing the Shichibukai to cough up blood and contort before going limp. A tired Law then retreats as he collapses from exhaustion.

Law is woken up by Luffy and the two watch in shock as Doflamingo gets to his feet. Doflamingo reveals that he can use his abilities to provide first aid by stitching his organs together, though it wasn’t exactly healing. Trebol then grabs Luffy with a sticky chain and slams him to the floor away from Doflamingo and Law. Doflamingo walks towards the fallen Law and prepares to kill him by stomping on his head. However, Luffy arrives and counters Doflamingo’s legs with his own, and Doflamingo asks him why he did that.

Doflamingo shakes off Luffy’s block and tries to stomp on Law again, but Luffy counters again. This time they both use Haoshoku Haki, surprising Trebola and causing a great shock around them. The force of their clash blows Law and Trebol away and causes a landslide on the palace platform, forcing Bartolomeo to take cover. The clash is felt by everyone on Dressrose and Law watches as he knows his speculation that Luffy could use Haoshoku Haki was true. Trebol also watches the clash and remembers meeting a young Doflamingo after the child used it for the first time. Trebol offered Doflamingo the chance to kill anyone he wanted, and Doflamingo replied that there were plenty of people he wanted to kill. In the present, Trebol yells at Luffy that he would never be a match for Doflamingo because Doflamingo’s upbringing caused him to become a demon.

31 years ago, a young Doflamingo faced Trebol and his promise of power. Doflamingo remembered how he, his brother and father were crucified by the mob for being world nobles. Homing begged the mob to kill him and spare his children, and Doflamingo finally broke free. He shouted at the crowd that he was not going to die and that he was going to kill them all. This blast awakens Doflamingo’s Haoshoku Haki, causing the crowd to collapse. Later, Doflamingo confronted Trebolo, Vergo, Diamante, and Pica when the first of the four revealed to him that he uses Haki, thus being chosen by Heaven. Trebol gave Doflamingo a pistol and Ito Ito no Mi as he offered him the ability to kill anyone he wanted. Doflamingo remembered all the people who contributed to his suffering, including his father, as he wished to kill them all. Later, Doflamingo killed his father with a weapon presented to him. Currently, Trebol has declared Doflamingo as the greatest evil.

Luffy and Doflamingo’s clash ends in a stalemate when Luffy attacks Doflamingo with Busoshoku Haki. While Doflamingo blocks the first blows with his own Haki, Luffy manages to take advantage of the opening and land several blows on the Shichibukai. However, Doflamingo avoids Luffy’s finishing blow as he levitates and remembers the suffering he went through. Luffy and Doflamingo clash again with Haoshoku Haki, but Doflamingo wins this time as he sends Luffy crashing into the edge of the palace roof.
After hitting Doflamingo with Counter Shock, Law briefly lost consciousness until Luffy called out to him.
While Doflamingo is repairing his internal organs, Trebol grabs Luffy and throws him aside.
The clash between Haki Luffy and Doflamingo is extended in the anime.
The anime shows Doflamingo using Haoshoku Haki to take out the mob that was torturing him, his brother and father on screen. It was only mentioned in the manga.
As Doflamingo picks himself up again behind Law, who is lying on the floor with Luffy next to him, Law’s goatee disappears for a few seconds.
When Luffy uses Gomu Gomu no Eagle Bazooka, he is not in his Gear 2 mode (Eagle Bazooka is the Haki version of Jet Bazooka).

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