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The battle between Robin’s group and the Nutcracker army comes to a halt when the toys transform into their human selves due to Sugar knocking them unconscious again.

At the palace, Doflamingo questions Luffy’s decision to help a former enemy like Bellamy, but Luffy tells him that the past is behind him. Doflamingo then chides Bellamy for calling him inferior. An angry Luffy tries to kick Doflamingo, but instead hits Bellamy when the Shichibukai uses him as a shield. Law urges Luffy not to get angry, as Doflamingo likes to provoke his enemies. Doflamingo then tells the duo that he is sick of them ruining his plans and that they remind him of the anger he experienced 13 years ago. Law says that if it wasn’t for that time, he wouldn’t be standing here, but Doflamingo counters that if he hadn’t, Law would be the “third Corazon” and then attack Law with a chain clone. All the while, Luffy fights the controlled Bellamy. Angry at the Shichibukai for sitting out the fight, Luffy tells Law that he is going to take down Doflamingo and prepares to attack Law. Law then creates a ROOM and exchanges with Doflamingo, causing him to be hit by Luffy’s “Red Hawk”. Trebol is shocked by this surprise before being incapacitated by Law’s “radio knife”. Law tells Luffy that he is the worst, but Luffy notes that he is also part of the same generation.

On the 3rd level of the Palace Platform, Cavendish is shocked to see Sugar’s nutcrackers disintegrating on their own. Before long, the nutcrackers are transformed back into humans, with eight people being used to make each nutcracker. Bartolomeo rejoices to be able to do obstacles again, Cavendish expresses anger that Sugar used her own servants to make the toys, and Gladius exasperates that Sugar has been defeated again. Meanwhile, Sugar’s servants crowd around her, shocked to see her knocked out again. The servants who were turned into toys by Sugar talk about how they were afraid they would be toys forever, but Gladius assures them that they would be turned back, though he knows it wouldn’t be possible.

On the fourth floor of the palace, Luffy sees an injured Bellamy lying on the ground and expresses his concern, much to the amusement of Doflamingo, who knew the two used to be enemies. Luffy says it was all in the past and tells Doflamingo to let Bellamy go. Doflamingo responds by saying that Bellamy came to him with a death wish and that it was his way of dealing with things as Luffy remembers Bellamy’s total devotion to Doflamingo. Doflamingo tells Bellamy that the latter was always a failure and failure would be punished by death. Luffy angrily retorts that Bellamy has changed and uses his powers to kick Doflamingo, despite Law’s warning against it. However, Doflamingo uses Bellamy to shield him from Luffy’s kick, and Luffy kicks Bellamy in the face, much to the former’s shock.

Luffy hastily apologizes for injuring Bellamy and Law yells at him to control his anger or he will fall into Doflamingo’s hands. Law states that if Luffy lost control of his emotions, it would be the same as losing his life, as the same thing happened to him, and calls Doflamingo a heartless man. Suddenly, Trebol laughs as Luffy kicks Bellamy, making Luffy even more angry. Doflamingo responds to Law’s accusation that he is not heartless, but rather has reached his boiling point as Luffy and Law destroyed his SAD Factory, killed Monet and Vergo, kidnapped Caesar Clown, freed all the toys, and tried to destroy the SMILE Factory. Now that Luffy and Law are also trying to take his head, Doflamingo says that things have gone too far, both in their actions and his anger. Doflamingo says his anger is where it was 13 years ago and Law says he wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for that event and Doflamingo says if it hadn’t happened Law would have been the third Corazon and should have been right after his side.

Suddenly, Doflamingo uses the “Black Knight” move to create another string clone of himself, which then attacks Law. Luffy then decides to go after the real Doflamingo when Bellamy suddenly attacks him with two swords. Luffy is confused and shocked by what the pirate is doing, but Law knows that Doflamingo is using his powers to control Bellamy. A crying Bellamy apologizes to Luffy for what he’s doing and tells the Straw Hat to stop him.

Coliseum warriors throughout Dressrosa continue to battle the officers and soldiers, neither gaining any advantage against the other.

Doflamingo also urges Luffy in that direction, but Luffy refuses, saying again that Bellamy is his friend. Doflamingo laughs at how even a single blow could kill Bellamy in his condition, pointing out what Law told Tashigi earlier – the weak can’t choose how they die.

Luffy gets even more angry that Doflamingo doesn’t even bother to fight them himself, and tells Law that he’s abandoning their plan. Law scolds him angrily and gets even angrier when he sees Luffy preparing an attack in his direction. Trebol laughs that Luffy is betraying his friend when Law suddenly activates Room and switches his position with Doflamingo. By the time Doflamingo executed Law’s plan, it was too late as Luffy hit him in the midsection with Gomu Gomu no Red Hawk.

Seeing his master attacked, Trebol desperately calls out his name. Now sitting at Doflamingo’s throne, Law looked up at Trebol before curling up and slicing him to pieces with a technique called a radio knife. He then calls Luffy the worst, but Luffy reminds him that he is also part of that generation.

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