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Luffy, Zoro, Usopp and Robin try to get to the ice side of Punk Hazard, but their ship is capsized by Brownbeard. As Brownbeard’s gang prepares for another attack, Zoro is about to destroy their bullets, but the sharks pull him down. At the last second, Brook saves them and defeats Brownbeard’s gunmen. Once Luffy and the gang got out of the freezing water after killing the sharks, they decided to take the centaur’s warm coats.

The Straw Hats who saved the children try to return to the building to find another escape route, but their “hearts” are changed by the law, so they switch bodies. Law then turns his attention to the marines and destroys their ship. The G-5 Marines try to contact Marine HQ about Law, but he takes all of the Den Den Mushi from them. Smoker then fights Law and warns his men to refrain from fighting unless they want to get cut to pieces (which they do). Feeling helpless in the situation, Tashigi tried to hit the Shichibukai, but was immediately cut in half.

The centaurs keep firing and aim for the bottom of the boat to sink the Straw Hats. Brownbeard smugly tells them that they won’t run away from him, only for Luffy to ask him who he is. Brownbeard is shocked and introduces himself. However, the group replies that they have never heard of him. This made Brownbeard depressed and angry. He personally fires at them and succeeds in overturning the boat. After falling into the water, Zoro and Usopp carry Luffy and Robin. Teeth chattering, Usopp complains about the temperature of the water. The centaurs prepare for the final blow, and Zoro hands Luffy over to Usopp, saying that he will tear them apart. Before he can draw his sword from its scabbard, he is pulled into the water, waving his arms over it. Usopp panics and looks around in confusion before dipping his head in the water to find sharks swimming around them. He asks why there are sharks in the lake, and Brownbeard explains that a fight between two admirals left a crater. Seawater seeps in through the cracks, as do the various sea creatures that created the lake.

The Straw Hats are trapped and the centaurs are shooting. However, the guns exploded and they fell. It turns out that the interference was caused by Brook, who froze the centaurs’ guns. Brook attacks the centaurs and Brownbeard remarks that he didn’t know there was another crew member. He says it doesn’t matter since four of them have already become shark food and asks Brook to see for himself. However, Brownbeard saw that the sharks were defeated. Instead, the four Straw Hats are on top of the glacier, shivering in the cold. Robin says they are lucky to run into the centaurs and each chooses their target and wants to steal their warm clothes. Brownbeard recalls that Luffy is actually Ace’s brother and has a bounty of 400 million, scaring the rest of the centaurs and they run away. Robin and Luffy use their power to capture their target and Zoro fights a group of them. Brook comments that they are in better shape than he thought.

Outside the Trafalgar Lab, Law says he can’t let the Straw Hats escape and uses his powers to replace the four Straw Hats. Their minds, along with their voices, are swapped into another body, causing much confusion. The law will cut the warship and the iceberg. He joins the pieces together to form a high wall that prevents the marines from leaving. The Marines tell Law that he is violating the contract between him and the government and that they are going to report the matter to headquarters. However, Law calmly tells them not to worry about him before using his skill, Scan. A pile of Den Den Mushi appears next to him, which turns out to belong to the Marines. Law informs them that he will not allow them to report anything about the island to the government.

Smoker charges at Law and charges, but he dodges. Law retaliates, but cuts through the smoke due to the nature of Smoker’s ability. Smoker warns his crew to stay out of reach of Law’s sword, but it is too late as they are cut down. Instructing them to stay out of the circle created by the law, Smoker explains his power, comparing the orb to an operating room. He further elaborates by stating that Law has absolute control over the objects contained within and can manipulate them at will, giving him his name, Surgeon of Death. Tashigi rushes to Lawo despite Smoker’s warning that her Haki is not strong enough. True to his words, Tashigi’s sword breaks and she is cut in two.

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