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The citizens are amazed and celebrate the arrival of Luffy and his crew along with the enemy. The New Fish-Man Pirates wonder how some of the crew survived and are alive, and Jinbe comments on how his plan with the Straw Pirates group worked.

After remembering this plan and putting it into action, along with a flashback of how Brook, Zoro, and Usopp escaped the palace, the rest of the New Fish-Man Pirates don’t seem to care about Hody Jones, their captain. , who was hit by Luffy. He doesn’t seem as hurt as he should be as Hody berates Luffy and his crew along with him and claims that he will become the Pirate King. This enrages Luffy as he and Haki take out half of Hody’s 100,000 powers and tells Hody that he will become the Pirate King and not Hody himself.

Luffy questions Jinbe about his performance, and Jinbe comments that it didn’t go exactly as planned, recalling the events that happened a few hours ago in the Sea Forest.

For the sake of the citizens and their future, Jinbe wanted to portray Luffy as a hero in dealing with Hody Jones. However, Luffy rejected the idea, saying that he didn’t want to be a hero. Luffy asked if Jinbe knew what heroes were before defining heroes, he said that when there is a huge piece of meat, the pirates just throw a banquet and consume it. However, the heroes will distribute it among the others, which is why Luffy doesn’t want to become a hero because he wants all the meat for himself. Jinbe replied that he would give Luffy his meat if Luffy obeyed him, to which Luffy readily agreed. Jinbe tells the crew about the plan he had in mind, and it is revealed that Jinbe was caught willingly to provide a distraction to let Nami steal the sky dragon letter and the key to the chains that bind the royal family while freeing Robin. them. Jinbe calls for help as a clue for Luffy to emerge from Megalo’s stomach, as this will ensure that the citizens notice Jinbe and Luffy working together. The rest of the crew should head to Ryugu Kingdom to free their imprisoned comrades before gathering in the square. Shirahoshi is supposed to wait in a safe place outside the square and then flee with his family. Jinbe asks about the public’s reaction, and Hachi replies that almost every fishman respects Jinbe, and Camie says that if Jinbe trusts Luffy with his life to save Neptune, everyone will be on Luffy’s side. Luffy is uncomfortable with the idea of ​​people rooting for him, and Nami agrees with him.

Pappag jumps into the square into Luffy’s arm and complains that he has faced death a few times because of Zoro and Usopp. The citizens react as Jinbe planned. Zeo tells Luffy not to push his luck as he is still a human pirate. Brook compliments Shirahoshi on her beauty and asks to see her panties, prompting Nami to slap him. Luffy comments that they are finally back together. Daruma tells Zeo that everyone is ignoring him, but Zeo figures it’s because his voice was soft. Sanji takes credit for the rescue, but Zoro says they got to the exit alone and Usopp agrees. Pappag says they couldn’t have done it without his help. Nami is surprised and Usopp explains that Brook has become a ghost and Luffy is confused. Brook says his new ability helped them and recalls their escape. Brook chased Pappag for a long time before Pappag finally recognized him. Just as the water reached the cage, Brook arrived with Pappage carrying all of Zoro’s sword. Zoro cut through the chains and the cage, damaging the walls in the process. The water recedes from the gaps and into other rooms, but Zoro continues, causing the water to fill the room again, as this time it’s water from outside the palace. They swam out and the rescue crew showed up in time as they were running out of breath.

Chopper wonders why the New Fish-Man Pirates aren’t worried even though their captain was defeated by Luffy, and Robin agrees that it’s strange. Nami hands Shirahoshi the letter and Shirahoshi thanks her profusely because the letter is the hope her mother Otohime left behind. Luffy remarks that it is not safe for Shirahoshi and calls her a new nickname, Yowamushi. Jinbe agrees and says that this situation is not planned. Nami and Jinbe praise Shirahoshi for her actions and Shirahoshi apologizes for causing trouble. However, Jinbe brushes it off, telling her that it’s okay, and states that not passing on hatred to the next generation is what the brave heroes, Tiger and Otohime, tried to teach them. Jinbe believes that if all citizens think like Shirahoshi, the conflict between Fish-Man and humans will be resolved.

Hody stands and calls Vander Decken IX useless for failing to get rid of Shirahoshi. Zeo comments that the energy steroids are still working, and Daruma says that’s to be expected since their captain took a lot of them. Hody tells Jinbe that he should have noticed when Jinbe let himself be captured without fighting back. Hody berates Jinbe that even though Tiger and Arlong suffered at the hands of humans, instead of avenging them, Jinbe is working with them. Hody tells them that everything will change after he becomes the king of the island and he will take the opportunity during the World Summit to kill all the human kings and start the legend of a terrifying underwater kingdom. Hody shares his plans to capture the human as a slave and slowly take over the world, even the pirate world, as Hody becomes the Pirate King. Hody laughs at them, commenting on their size and saying that they can’t do anything because they are up against 100,000 enemies. The citizens fear for the straw pirates and their own future if Hody takes over the island.

Hody gives the order to kill the straw pirates. Chopper and Pappag panic, and Robin remarks that they might be crushed before they even fight back, scaring Usopp. Nami prepares to fight and encourages the others. However, as she says this, Nami hides behind Zoro, Usopp, and Sanji. Sanji divides the numbers and says that each of them must take 10,000 enemies. Zoro remarks that even though they’re outnumbered, the enemy isn’t necessarily stronger since it’s not like they’re up against elite navy soldiers, and tells Sanji not to screw up. Sanji is angry and they start arguing. Luffy pushes them away and walks past them towards the approaching enemies. The others wonder at Luffy’s action. Enemies surround Luffy, about to kill him, but Luffy unleashes a massive Haoshoku Haki attack, knocking out around 50,000 opponents and shocking the New Fish-Man Pirates, stunning almost everyone wondering how Luffy did it when Luffy did it. he seems to have done nothing. Robin identifies Luffy’s action and Jinba

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