
Luffy accidentally “kidnaps” a mermaid princess, an old friend issues a dire warning to Chopper and Sanji, and the New Fish-Man pirates prepare to raid Ryugu’s palace!

Luffy leads Shirahoshi from her tower inside Megalo as Brook and the Minister of Right tell them to stop. When Brook and the Minister see that Shirahoshi is not in her tower, they are attacked by human pirates and told to take them to the switch to open the palace gates or they will die. The story shifts back a few hours to the Fish-Man District with Decken explaining his Mato Mato curse to the people, and just as he’s calling for a demonstration, a voice shouts for Hody Jones. That person is none other than Hachi, who claims that everyone should stop this madness, saying that energy steroids will only destroy their bodies and they shouldn’t destroy Fish-Man Island or underestimate Neptune.

Hody tells Hachi that their goal is unstoppable and that they need Fish-Man Island to destroy the human race and fulfill Arlong’s will. Hachi states that Arlong has lost and demands to know why Hyouzou and Decken are working for him despite not having worked for Arlong in the past. Hyouzou says he’s only in it for the money, and Decken is there because Hody isn’t trying to make him his underling, stating that he doesn’t work for anyone. Hody states that Luffy is on the island and Hachi states that Luffy called him, former enemy, friend and even reminds them that he saved his life and cannot face Luffy while Hody tries to keep Arlong’s dream alive. Hody, disgusted with Hachi, Decken attacked him and “marked” him with his powers and stabbed him. As Decken throws arrows at Hachi, he runs for his life into the water, only to be impaled by everyone. Hody then tells everyone the plan and Decken throws all the human pirates into the palace.

Back in the present, Brook runs back to the others away from the humans. Sanji and Chopper still fight the guards and defeat them all because Sanji wants to meet the mermaid princess. They hear an injured person on the shore and go to look, but are shocked to see Hachi covered in arrows. Chopper tries to heal him, but not before Hachi warns them of the attack and passes out. At the palace, the others are informed of the situation and Zoro prepares to fight the pirates. When Luffy and Shirahoshi go to the Sea Forest, Shirahoshi says that there is a grave she wants to see. In the Sea Forest, someone talks to the tombstone about her death. That person is none other than Jinbe, who comments that her ideals are still alive and that that person is Queen Otohime.

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