
Nami tricks the old men into letting her stay on Weatheria. Franky comes across Vegapunk’s hidden lab and finds more blueprints and decides to study them. Sanji agrees to Ivankov’s challenge and starts fighting Okama to get the recipe for the delicious food.

The episode opens with Nami reading a newspaper containing Luffy’s recent exploits. Meanwhile, the old men catch up with Nami. They end up confronting the old men. She then proceeds to trick the group, going on to suggest one of the old men strip and beat her. Haredas notes how Nami is in control of the group. Nami then continues by telling the old men that they will jump off the island. He takes off his shoes and places them in front of him, apparently about to throw himself into the ocean. Nami gets up and rushes towards the cliff of the island while “crying”. The old men quickly try to stop her and apologize. Nami then stops before reaching the edge of the island and quickly forgives the old men and leaves them balancing on the cliff. She rushes back to Haredas at a full sprint, even though she was breathing hard and pounding the pavement with her bare feet. Suddenly full of determination, she remembers Luffy helping her when she was being oppressed by Arlong and trying to carve out her old Arlong Pirates tattoo. He walks with Haredas back to his house, who was watching over her shoes and was confused by what she had just done. Nami then begs Haredas to teach her all about the Weather Orb and Weather Navigation, remembering everything Luffy did for her. Haredas, after Nami explains her situation to him, agrees.

Meanwhile, on Karakuri Island, Franky suffered significant damage to his cyborg body by accidentally pressing the self-destruct button in Dr. Vegapunk. After being caught directly in the ensuing explosion, most of his artificial skin was burned off, leaving a lot of his internal iron structure exposed and Franky inadvertently looking quite terrifying. Even with the main lab gone, he discovers a second, hidden lab of Dr. Vegapunk, where he finds the scientist’s hidden weapon plans and Devil Fruit research. He tells Kitton, his grandfather, and Taroi that he will stay in the lab to study the blueprints, and asks them to bring him some Coke every now and then. However, the three are still freaked out by Franky’s burnt appearance. Franky eventually gets pissed off and wears a tiger rug. He then lights a fire in the laboratory fireplace and remembers his dream. He promises to strengthen and learn how to make the Thousand Sunny a dream ship. However, the tiger carpet catches fire and Franky quickly runs out of the lab, scaring the marines who are looking for him and creating “The Legend of the Sacred Burning Beast of Baldimore”.

Meanwhile, Sanji has dinner with Ivankov. Ivankov tries to ask Sanji what he saw in the paper, but Sanji shrugs him off. Sanji quickly notices the effect the food is having on his body and questions Ivankov about it. Ivankov quickly tells Sanji about the Assault Kitchen. Impressed by the recipe, Sanji thinks about how he could strengthen his friends through their daily food. Although he quickly wonders if it would make Robin and Nami sexier, one way or another, he asks Ivankov to teach him the recipe for this amazing dish. However, Ivankov quickly rejects Sanji’s request. After some conversation, Ivankov makes a deal with Sanji – if he defeats 99 New Kama Kenpo masters, Sanji will have the right to learn the recipe for the offensive cuisine. However, on the way, the Okamas try to dress Sanji up and force him to be an Okama again. Sanji, after some flashbacks, vows to get stronger for Luffy and begins his training.

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