
Hancock and the others finally reach the office of Magellan, the big man who ate Doku Doku no Mi. Meanwhile, Luffy and Buggy discover that Level 2 is full of wild animals, but Luffy manages them without too much trouble. Buggy manages to unlock several prison cells, and the two escapees are joined by none other than ex-baroque agent Galdino.

Luffy dives as Buggy quickly follows, saying he doesn’t want to descend into another hell. Buggy’s body lands on the ground first, followed by his head, and Buggy looks around, rehashing how “creepy” it is. Buggy then says that he has a chance to find Captain John’s treasure, but before the greedy pirate can make a move, Luffy grabs his head and suddenly starts running to know where to go next. They continue running until they reach a dead end and Luffy looks around. Buggy then tells Luffy about Level 2: Wild Beast Hell, where many wild beasts from Hell roam freely on the floor. While Buggy is thinking about trying to get away from Luffy, Luffy sees one of the Wild Hells coming. They both turn to the direction and it turns out to be just a hippo. At first the two don’t seem scared, but soon the hippo opens its rather large mouth and attempts to eat both Luffy and Buggy. The hippo manages to eat Buggy’s body and Luffy and Buggy escape. The hippo quickly chases after them and Buggy yells at Luffy for commenting on his speed. Hippo runs right into the wall, but soon manages to cut Luffy and Buggy off and the two escape again. Luffy wonders if Buggy is taking care of his body and Buggy says his powers make him fine. He then allows his body to be grabbed from the inside of the hippo’s mouth, causing the hippo to crash into a wall and knock him out. Buggy reforms his body and rejoices in his victory over the hippo.

Impel Down guards from the security room monitor Buggy’s actions via the nearby Den Den Mushi. They try to find out the person who is with Buggy and Buggy and Luffy continue to run. Buggy is still trying to come up with a plan to escape, but soon stops running when he hears something nearby. Luffy wonders if it was a bat, and suddenly Buggy is chopped up by a large mantis. Thanks to his ability, Buggy survives and the mantis continues its attack. However, Mantis digs her claws into the ground and Luffy and Buggy just keep going. Luffy wonders if they are really monsters from hell and Buggy says that level 1 was scarier than them. However, a large gust of wind blows the mantis away and a large monster appears in front of Luffy and Buggy and they both run away. Luffy demands to know what the monster is, and Buggy comments that it’s a snake hatched from a chicken’s head: a basilisk. The basilisk tries to eat them, but is temporarily stuck between the narrow passage. Seeing no other option, Luffy uses Gear 3 and prepares to fight the Basilisk.

Back in the security room, the guards finally identify the person with Buggy as Luffy and are informed to capture them both dead or alive. The guards prepare to leave, but suddenly a basilisk is sent crashing into Luffy’s security room Gomu Gomu no Gigant Pistol. On level 2, the transmission is interrupted and the other guards want to know what’s going on. In the elevator, Boa Hancock complains about the heat and Domino says that the warden’s office is on Level 4: Blazing Hell. The elevator stops at level 4 and Momonga demands to know where the caretaker is. Domino says that Warden Magellan has terrible digestive problems and usually stays in the bathroom for up to 10 hours a day. He goes on to say that he needs 8 hours of sleep so he only works about 4 hours a day. Hancock wonders if that’s enough for the administrator, and Domino says that if there’s a problem, Magellan is the man to take care of it. The group arrives at the bathroom and Domino warns Hancock that Magellan ate the Doku Doku no Mi, which means he’s a poisonous man, so be careful. Magellan finally leaves and thanks everyone for their time and introduces himself to everyone. Magellan complains about the bright light and would much rather stay locked in a dark room. Hannyabal then tells Magellan to stop being ridiculous while Momonga says that they are pressed for time. Magellan apologizes and says that the poisonous soup he had for breakfast did not agree with him. Hannyabal then wants Magellan to retire so he can become a caretaker and Magellan breathes poisonous smoke on him. Hancock knocks Magellan down because he’s breathing in her direction, but Magellan falls for her. Hannyabal then responds to the Overseer’s Den Den Mushi, but Magellan knocks him out with his poisonous breath. Domino then asks a nearby guard to get the antidote for Hannyabal and Magellan is informed of the intruder in Impel Down. Worried, Hancock manages to get Magellan to take her from Ace right before the video is transmitted.

Back on Level 2, the guards want to know why Luffy is in Impel Down and why Buggy is with them. Buggy is shocked that Luffy just took down the basilisk, but is also surprised to see that Luffy is so small now. Luffy turns back to his normal size and wants to quickly get to Level 3. The surrounding prisoners are stunned to see what happened and compliment Luffy and Buggy for defeating the Basilisk (although only Luffy did). The prisoners then ask Luffy and Buggy to free them from their cells and bonds. Galdino, better known as Mr. 3, is seen in the cell, hoping to escape as well. After managing to get the prisoners to beg for freedom, Buggy unlocks their cells and handcuffs. The prisoners are excited to be free and thank Buggy for rescuing them. Luffy then grabs Buggy who still wants to get to level 3. More prisoners try to escape but are stopped by many wild hell beasts. Luffy and Buggy continue running and Buggy confesses to Luffy that he lied to him. Suddenly, Luffy and Buggy run into the fleeing prisoners and they all return to their cells. The prisoners don’t want to escape because of the level boss that is still around. Buggy then agrees to take Luffy to Level 3, but Luffy says that Buggy doesn’t even know how to get there. Suddenly, Galdino comes and offers his help to get level 3. Luffy then remembers him.

At Marineford, Fleet Admiral Sengoku was informed that Luffy had infiltrated Impel Down. Sengoku thought Bartholomew Kuma took care of him, but then wonders why Luffy would break into Impel Down. However, Sengoku then says that Luffy will end up there because Impel Down has held thousands of powerful prisoners with no way to escape. Sengoku then remembers one guy who managed to break out of Impel Down twenty years ago and became the only person to ever get out of Impel Down: Shiki the Golden Lion.

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