
The defeated pirates enter an all-out war to catch up with Luffy. Sanji and Zoro argue over who is stronger, Nami injures her own comrades with her upgraded weapon, and Sogeking fails at being a decoy. A law enforcement unit shows up to stop them, and the leaders of Galley-La stay behind to fight.

Surrounded by thousands of marines, Luffy is cornered on a cliff when the Big Bazooka units fire at him, causing him to fall. The marines find Luffy hanging from a cliff and try to choke him to death by stepping on his toes, but the cliff collapses and Luffy starts running after the falling marines. The marines that didn’t fall try to shoot Luffy down as he runs away.

Zoro and Sanji argue over which one is better. The Marines notice Sogeking and Chopper and shoot Rocketman, but stop firing once they realize that Kokoro, Chimney and Gonbe were hostages (a trick invented to fool the Marines). Nami creates a cloud in the sky and uses Thunderbolt Tempo to take out most of the marines. Unfortunately, Usopp’s Perfect Clima-Tact design left Tempo’s power out of her control and it ended up shooting lightning all over the island. Nami gets blasted by her own attack and hits Usopp in the head for messing up the weapon a second time. Her attack failed so badly that Zoro and Sanji were also hit. So the Straw Hats (minus Nico Robin) try to catch up with Luffy. Still fighting the marines, Luffy notices some marines leaving to stop the pirates at the main gate of the main island. Luffy now knows that his crew, Franky Family and Galley-La Company have arrived.

Zoro notices that they are being followed by a law enforcement unit and that marines are beginning to surround them. Sodom and Gomorrah burst in with the Galley-La Company and the Franky Family. Paulie uses his ropes to help the Straw Hats board. Galley-La go and fight the marines, allowing the Straw Hats to focus on CP9.

Spandam explains how he knew Robin was coming to Water 7 from Aokiji, who also gave him permission to use Buster Call. Robin gets punched for asking Spandam why Aokiji allowed Buster to call. Spandam reminds Robin of her past.

Episode Strengths: Fast-Paced Action: The episode supplies interesting and numerous battles, showcasing the precise fighting types of diverse Straw Hats in opposition to CP9 agents. Focus on Teamwork and Individual Skills: The scattered battles spotlight the importance of both teamwork and person abilities because the Straw Hats attempt to overcome the demanding situations they face. Sanji’s Moral Dilemma: The episode explores Sanji’s unwavering chivalry and its capability drawbacks in combat conditions, adding depth to his man or woman. Weaknesses (Optional): Limited Character Development: Due to the focal point on a couple of battles, the episode gives minimum individual improvement for person Straw Hats past showcasing their present skills. Cliffhanger Endings for Each Battle: The episode concludes with cliffhangers for each ongoing conflict, which might experience irritating for visitors who select resolution within a single episode. Overall: One Piece Episode 268 is a exciting and movement-packed episode that sets the stage for the bigger conflict inside the Water 7 arc. It showcases the Straw Hats’ electricity, resourcefulness, and the demanding situations they face towards a powerful enemy. The scattered battles and cliffhanger endings leave visitors eager to look how the crew will triumph over those boundaries and whether or not they could reunite to fight as a crew.

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