
Igaram, Alabasta’s head of security, continued to attack Mr. 5 and Miss Valentine, who revealed his identity and that of Miss Wednesday: Nefertari Vivi, the Royal Princess of Alabasta. Zoro watched the attack from the roof, thinking that Luffy was caught in the crossfire and had to go save him. As Igaram continued his attack, he yells at Vivi to run, but she can only watch in horror.

Amidst the smoke and gunfire, Mr. 5 fires a projectile at Igarama, who is immediately engulfed in a powerful explosion while both Vivi and Mr. 9 look on in shock. The smoke began to release and Igaram fell, badly wounded. Vivi called out to him in panic, but was interrupted by Miss Valentine, who attacked Vivi after telling her it was useless. Vivi escaped with nothing more than a broken hairband and attempted to launch a counterattack with her Peacock Slashers at Miss Valentine, who promptly laughed her way out of range and returned to Mr. 5’s side. As Vivi seethed, Mr. 9 expressed his amazement at the royal by the position of his partner; Vivi immediately yelled at him for doing this in the middle of a dangerous situation. Meanwhile, Zoro took the opportunity to drag the still sleeping, still bloated Luffy away. Igaram, still somehow conscious, begged Vivi to leave him and run for their home of Alabasta. Mr. 5 picked his nose and calmly declared that there was no escape for Vivi. Enraged, Vivi drew her next Peacock Slasher and challenged the Baroque Works agent. But before she can attack, Mr. 9 stands between her and the pair of assassins. While admitting confusion at the situation, Mr. 9 recounts how long he and Vivi have been working together and tells her to run as he is buying her some time. After Vivi thanks him, Mr. 9 says goodbye and continues to attack Mr. 5 and Miss Valentine with his acrobatics.

Mr. 5 stated that all the agents were required to do was to do their jobs efficiently while he blew his nose and chastised Mr. 9 for befriending his partner. When Mr. 9 tried to attack, Mr. 5 aimed the bugger and fired it at Mr. 9, which exploded and sent Mr. 9 flying clear into the river. Vivi watched in horror while Zoro watched in confusion. While Zoro was distracted, Igaram grabbed Zoro’s leg, surprising the pirate swordsman. Igaram stated that he had the “fairest” demand of Zoro, but required someone of his strength. Igaram went on to say that both agents had Devil Fruit abilities and that he, Igaram, was hopelessly outmatched against them. As such, Igaram begged Zoro to protect Vivi for him. All the while Zoro was trying to get Igaram to let go of his leg.

Miss Valentine laughed at the situation while Mr. 5 picked his nose, and Vivi jumped on Karoo’s back and ordered him to run. Miss Valentine commented as Mr. 5 states that Vivi won’t get far before he chases her, Miss Valentine following right behind him.

Despite his injuries, Igaram continued to plead with Zoro to protect Vivi, promising riches in return. Zoro angrily refused, mentioning how Igaram and his group were just trying to kill Zoro. However, Nami intervened, overhearing the conversation from the roof – and the mention of the reward. Nami stated that she would take the job, but only in exchange for Beli1 billion. Igaram was shocked by Nami’s price while Zoro and Nami were talking. Zoro expressed surprise that Nami was awake while she replied that it was all an act, distrusting “a city that welcomes Pirates”. She then turned her attention to Igaram and said that if he wanted Vivi to escape alive, he had better promise a reward of Beli 1 billion. Igaram stated that his position prevented him from offering such a reward, but Nami countered by emphasizing the danger to Vivi’s life. Desperate, Igaram stated that while he could not promise anything, the crew could negotiate a reward with Vivi herself. Nami mentions that it would require keeping her part of the deal, but Igaram pleads desperately. Nami retreated and ordered Zoro to save Vivi, much to the swordsman’s anger as he said he wasn’t going to get involved in Nami’s plans. Nami tried to explain things to Zoro, but he refuses to challenge her explanation. Nami makes light of the situation while Zoro vents his frustration at her trying to order him around just as she used Sanji. During their conversation, Luffy finally wakes up from his sleep.

Nami insults Zoro and says that she’s just afraid of losing, while Zoro quickly loses what patience he has left. Huffed Luffy, still half asleep, walks past the two to find the device. Nami then brings up the loan she gave Zoro, but he counters by mentioning that he didn’t even spend any of it. However, Nami counters by promising to pay her back at 300% interest, crediting Bela with 300,000. Zoro is shocked that Nami expects him to pay her back when he didn’t spend any money at all, but Nami insists. He then goes on to ask if Zoro can keep one small promise (apparently hitting a sore spot), leaving Zoro shocked, furious, and silent. As Zoro grumbles that Nami is dying a horrible death, he still relents and leaves to find Vivi. Igaram reflects on his own apparent uselessness, but Nami comforts him by telling Igaram how strong Zoro is. However, Igaram goes on morbidly about how Alabasta would be doomed if Vivi dies, confusing Nami.

Vivi and Karoo continue to escape, intending to steal the ship and flee back to Alabasta.

Still bloated, Luffy relieves himself in the river before going back to sleep, only to stumble upon the carnage Zoro left in his wake.

Vivi and Karoo continue to escape, but are immediately captured by Mr. 5 and Miss Valentine. Vivi and Karoo run a different route and are met by Miss Monday, who explains that they will get to the ships by following her, explaining that she will hold Mr. 5 and Miss Valentine while Vivi escapes. Vivi hesitates, but Miss Monday explains that losing to Zoro means she’s already on her way to punishment, so she might as well go down and protect her friend. He then yells at Vivi to stop waiting and run away, that otherwise Igaram and Mr. 9’s sacrifices would be in vain. Vivi thanks Miss Monday before she and Karoo run off again, leaving Miss Monday to face Mr. 5. While Mr. 5 reflects on her defection and Mr. 9, Miss Monday is still determined to stop him. Miss Valentine mocks Miss Monday’s resolve, while Mr. 5 rushes in on Miss Monday, calling her a disgrace. Miss Monday tries to attack, but Mr. 5 dodges and laces her, causing a powerful explosion. Vivi hears the explosion and temporarily stops her run to look back as her friend is defeated and sees the inferno. She can only stare in utter horror as her boyfriend gets spanked.

Vivi is shocked by the brutality while Mr. 5 explains that his powers come from Bomu Bomu no Mi and that he hasn’t completed the mission yet. Miss Valentine then explains her own powers, originating from Kiro Kiro no Mi. Miss Valentine then uses her powers to transform into a living missile and launch herself at Miss Monday weighing 10,000 kilograms. When they stand up, the pair condescendingly state that it’s futile for Vivi to escape and that she doesn’t stand a chance. However, Vivi remains determined to return to Alabasta and save her kingdom. Mr. 5 prepares to attack, but Zoro intervenes and saves a shocked Vivi. Believing that Zoro is still the enemy, Vivi prepares to attack him, but Zoro cuts Vivi’s weapon and holds the blade to her throat, explaining that he is here to help and she needs to calm down.

Meanwhile, Nami and Igaram continue talking and Nami asks what baroque works are. Igaram hesitates, but then explains that the Baroque Works are a crime syndicate that specializes in sabotage, assassination, and bounties, and is so secretive that none of the agents know the boss’s name or face, but will still act on his orders. Nami questions this logic, but Igaram goes on to say that the primary goal of Baroque’s work is to create a utopia, and that those who do their part will gain a higher status in said nation. He then goes on to explain the code name and rank system in Baroque works.

Miss Valentine guesses that Zoro is the one who defeated all the “low employees” at Whiskey Peak, while Mr. 5 questions why Zoro would want to get involved in protecting Vivi. Zoro simply states that he has his own reasons, while Mr. 5 says that they will have to take out Zoro for his intervention. Zoro and Mr. 5 prepare to fight, but are interrupted by a scream from an enraged Luffy. While Vivi is confused, Zoro says that while he is glad to have Luffy’s assistance, he can deal with the attackers. However, Luffy continues to threaten Zoro, leaving the swordsmen shocked and confused. As Zoro wonders what Luffy could be asking, Luffy angrily explains how he ran into the men Zoro was fighting and was tricked into believing Zoro attacked unprovoked. Zoro tries to explain, but Luffy ignores him and yells at Zoro to fight him. Vivi comments on Luffy’s lack of intelligence (with Karoo’s approval) while Mr. 5 and Miss Valentine discuss letting the two kill each other. Zoro continues his attempts to explain, but Luffy won’t have it and attacks. Zoro avoids Luffy’s attack and tries to calm his captain down. Miss Valentine and Mr. 5 think in private before deciding to return to their mission: eliminating Princess Vivi. However, Zoro kicks the bloated rubber man into the pair, sending all three flying. After taking enough hits, Mr. 5 explains his intention to kill both Luffy and Zoro and attacks Luffy while Zoro and Vivi watch from a distance. Amidst the explosions, Miss Valentine flies up and prepares to attack Zoro and Vivi. Vivi tells Zoro to run, but Zoro cuts her off. Luffy then emerges from the smoke, having digested the food he ate and dragging a battered and bloodied Mr. 5. Vivi is completely shocked by Luffy’s victory over such a powerful enemy. Luffy turns his attention back to Zoro who tries to explain the situation. Miss Valentine hovers over the swordsman and tries to explain her abilities, but becomes quite angry when she finds herself being ignored.

Luffy doesn’t believe Zoro’s explanation (based on the concept that enemies wouldn’t give them such tasty food); Finished trying to explain, Zoro casually dodges Miss Valentine’s attack attempt and prepares to fight Luffy. While Vivi is confused, the crew members attack each other, unleashing Gomu Gomu no Bazooka and Oni Giri, the attacks canceling each other out as the two grapple. Zoro and Luffy decide to test steel against rubber, and Zoro unleashes Tatsu Maki, knocking Luffy into the air. To Zoro’s surprise, Luffy is able to fire the Gomu Gomu no Pistol and lands a direct hit as they both crash into the walls. Vivi ponders the situation as she and Karoo warily walk across the battlefield before both Luffy and Zoro break free from the wreckage and resume their attacks. Mr. 5 and Miss Valentine observe the furious battle, Mr. 5 comments that the pair are making fools of them on their own turf, and that the Baroque Works will be shamed if they fail their mission. The two dive headlong into battle, but are promptly taken down by the captain and Zoro for interrupting their battle.

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