One Piece Manga Chapter 977

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Law works with the Nine Red Scabbards to change their invasion strategy and plan to sail to the back of the island in the Polar Tang while the other groups cause a distraction. When the alliance reaches Onigashima, Denjiro realizes that he didn’t warn them about the guards at the Torii Gate, but the guards are immediately beaten with straw hats. The Straw Hats decide to celebrate Jinbe’s arrival after defeating their enemies, and at Kaidou’s fortress, the Flying Six arrive for the Fire Festival.
The Straw Hats hug Jinbe as he reveals that he was tending to the injured Sun Pirates, and then there was a farewell party that caused him to be late. Usopp expresses amazement that a former member of the Seven Warlords is now their companion, and Robin says that’s encouraging. Nami and Chopper tell Franky that Jinbe is an amazing helmsman and the cyborg expresses his joy that someone can tap into the Thousand Sunny’s true potential. Jinbe asks something and Franky ends by asking if she wants a drink. Most of the crew agrees, while Sanji questions where the alcohol is supposed to come from, and Zoro says he can smell it. Kin’emon yells at the Straw Hats that he wants to coordinate with them once they get to the island, but they don’t listen and Law tells Kin’emon to forget about it because it will be a waste of time.
Shishilian jumps on Polar Tang and says he will listen. He tells Inuarashi that since he is a member of the Nine Red Sheaths, he should fight them and can lead the Minky, to which Inuarashi also agrees. Hyogoro speaks and says that he will lead the samurai so that the Pochevs can fight unimpeded. With all that said, Kin’emon goes through his plan: He explains the layout of Onigashima and the front gate, and how inside the giant skull of the mountain is Kaidou’s castle. With the plans, they head to the back entrance and split their forces into two, going left and right to meet at the back entrance and ambush Kaidou while he’s drunk. Believing that this plan was to trick Kanjur, Denjiro asks Kin’emon what his real plan is, leaving the Scabbard Captain in shock while Raizo wonders how smart Denjiro really thinks Kin’emon is.
Law jumps in and says that if they assume the enemy knows they’re coming, their priority targets are Samurai, Luffy, Eustass Kid, and himself, and no matter how planned their strategy is, there will always be two idiots, who do not. t follow and attack the enemy head on. He decides that they should use them as decoys while their troops split up on the mountain trails, but also adds that they are also decoys. Surprised by this, Hyogoro asks where the Sheaths will go, and he says that by sea using his submarine, and that he will use his powers to warp them to the back entrance after avoiding the vortexes. Kin’emon thanks Law for his consideration, but feels he should hold back and lead their men. Denjiro says he will also follow the mountain paths as both units need a leader. Ashura agrees so they can save energy for fighting Kaida. Kin’emon says they’ll go according to plan now, and Denjiro praises him for being careful, while Law realizes the Straw Hats are gone.
After hearing an explosion at the front gate, Denjiro realizes that he forgot to tell them about the guards that were stationed there during the Fire Festival, and it will be bad if they know about the raid. The Scabbard panics at what will happen to the Straw Hats, but are amazed when they take out the guards without a problem while Usopp, Nami, and Chopper watch from afar. Luffy yells at Kin’emon that they knocked out the guys at the gate and he tells the soldiers to head for the island. With the alcohol somehow in their possession, Luffy prepares to celebrate Jinbe’s arrival, but immediately puts it off as Kaidou, Orochi, and Big Mom are defeated.
Kid yells at Luffy that he won’t let anyone else take down Kaidou because he needs revenge on Killer seeing his mask again. The rest of the Kid Pirates agree and even laugh the same way as Killer to save their feelings. Not wanting to let them go ahead, Luffy tells his crew to catch up.
On Onigashima, the Beast Pirates are shown celebrating and Orochi trying to approach the geisha. Queen yells at the cook to bring the oshikuro, but his subordinates say they’re bringing it to Big Mom, to which he yells that he doesn’t care. Kaidou shouts that he wants his son to appear, and his subordinates reply that they will find him. He is then informed that the Tobiroppos have arrived and decides to introduce them to Big Mom, where he learns that she is changing into a kimono. Tobiroppo is seen entering.

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