
Luffy slams into Kaidou and delivers the final blow using all of his power. Big Mom tries to fight back, but Law gets in her way while Kid and Killer try to finish off Kaidou. Meanwhile, CP0 observes the battle from cover.

Luffy beating up Kaida stuns the worst generation and big mom. His final blow causes Kaidou to hit the ground. Luffy tries to attack to finish off Kaidou, but runs out of energy and loses his stage four form and collapses. While Zoro helps Luffy recover, Kid and Law take on Big Mom’s attacks.

Kaidou regains consciousness and flies into the sky, creating tornadoes that knock Kid and Killer back. Luffy flies out of Zoro’s hands and into Kaidou’s mouth. So Zoro uses his Enma and unleashes an attack, cutting Kaidou’s rough scales and causing him to spit out Luffy in pain.

The fierce battle on the roof can be heard from the living floor. CP0 agents who have joined the party sit aside from the conflict and use the Go board to display the state of the battle. There are far more blacks than whites, indicating that Kaidou has a strong advantage. They lament that their supplier was killed, but note that this battle was inevitable since Luffy took down Doflamingo. They confidently predict that the Beast Pirates will win, but they still encourage the battle, hoping that the pirates will destroy each other.

Big Mom goes to check on the fighting pirates. Although Kaidou is blacked out, the Worst Generation suggests that he has transformed into a new form, his hybrid form.
The anime adds the following:
As Kaidou falls to the ground after the Gomu Gomu no Kong Gatling attack, it is revealed that the alliance is noticing the vibrations.
The anime expands on the following:
Luffy beats up Kaida with the Gomu Gomu no Kong Gatling.

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