Watch One Piece Episode 1070



After taking a critical hit from Kaidou’s kanaba, Luffy is defeated, falling out of his fourth form and collapsing. Kaidou, unhappy at the unfair advantage, directs his anger at Guernica for interfering in the battle. Guernica receives Kaidou’s rage when he is knocked down.
Kaidou transforms into his dragon form and returns to the Live Floor, declaring victory over Luffy and demanding the alliance’s unconditional surrender. He declares his intention to continue the New Onigashima project, move Onigashima to the flower capital, and subject the remaining citizens of Wano country to forced labor.
The remaining allied forces, despite being devastated by the news of Luffy’s supposed death, refuse to give up and continue to battle the remaining Beasts Pirates. Momonosuke, despite being demoralized after noticing that Luffy’s voice has died down, also decides not to end his fight and continues to move the island away from the capital.
On the roof of Luffy’s unconscious body, a heart suddenly beats. His body undergoes a mysterious transformation. Meanwhile, Zunesha compares Luffy’s heartbeat to the Drums of Liberation, a sign of Joy Boy’s return.

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