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The scene opens in the early dawn where all the straw pirates are asleep. Nami, who is above deck, wakes up to discover an island in the distance. He calls out to the others and after a funny fight between Zoro and Sanji, Luffy wakes up and climbs aboard, sees the island and howls in joy.

After landing on the island, Sanji notices that it is rich in fruit. He suggests that they collect the fruit as a surplus, so Nami has the remaining crew stretch straws to see who will stay behind to follow the Going Merry. Luffy takes three thinking it would make him smarter (which it didn’t) and eventually Chopper drew the longest straw so he had to be left behind. So Luffy, Zoro, and Usopp go to collect fruit while Nami goes to explore the island and draw a map of it, and Sanji follows her, passed out.

Thinking he’s all alone on the ship, Chopper decides to play captain and give mock orders to his crew members. He amuses himself with this for a while until he discovers that the newest member of the crew, Nico Robin, has been below him reading a book the whole time. Chopper immediately freaks out when he remembers that she was once an agent for Baroque Works and that her specialty is assassinations. He tells her he doesn’t believe her and runs off to the ship (though Robin didn’t seem to be paying attention). Once inside the ship, Chopper forgets about Robin for a moment and decides to make more Rumble Balls. While he’s doing this, Robin walks in and starts making more coffee, though Chopper doesn’t notice. Instead, he remembers the first time he did the Rumble Ball.

He flashes back to before Chopper met the Straw Pirates, back to when Chopper was still studying medicine. He was experimenting with some of Dr. Kureha’s medicines until he heard her coming and accidentally dropped a few there. Acting quickly but not thinking exactly, he pressed the ingredients together, popped the ball into his mouth and swallowed it. His body then underwent an unusual change as his arms suddenly gained muscle and grew in size without him doing it himself.

The flashback ends and Chopper begins to wonder how Dr. Kureha has. Then he finally noticed that Robin had been in the room the whole time and panicked again. Believing that she was trying to uncover the Rumble Ball’s secret and assassinate him, she quickly eats the Rumble Ball and attacks breaking the water barrel. He transforms back into his Brain Point form and uses his Scope move to try to find Robin’s weakness. Robin just laughs and uses his devil fruit power to tickle Chopper. She also says he’s funny and cute, to which Chopper insults her while doing a happy little dance. Robin then hands him an empty barrel, saying that since he broke the other barrel, he should refill that barrel with water. Chopper agrees and heads to the island.

Meanwhile, Luffy is messing around with the monkeys and Usopp is acting like he’s dying trying to collect fruit for these crew members, making a dramatic scene. Zoro, while grumbling about being ordered by a woman (especially Nami), does as he’s told and collects a lot of fruit by cutting it off the trees with his three sword style. Meanwhile, Nami is busy exploring the island while Sanji showers her with compliments and expresses his love. Nami says she’s in the way and knocks him out of the way.

After that, we return to Chopper, who, together with Robin, go to get water. When Chopper wonders why she came, she simply says that it’s been a while since she went for a walk like this. They finally reach the lake on the island and Chopper proceeds to fill the barrel. Robin sits in a nearby field of flowers. Chopper asks if the marines really wanted her and she’s been alone since she was 8, to which Robin says “Yes”. She goes on to say that she survived by working for various pirates. He then asks Chopper about the person he was talking about earlier. Chopper describes Dr. Kureha as “a woman who dresses like a pirate who is a doctor”.

He starts by learning how to be a doctor from her for 6 years. In another flashback, he is seen messing around with medicine again when Dr. Kureha. He asks if he finished the pages he was supposed to read, but Chopper complains and asks when he’s going to do the things doctors actually do. He then goes on to say that he has already memorized all 200 books she gave him. Then suddenly Dr. Kureha collapses. Chopper runs up to her and asks what’s going on. Dr. Kureha mentions that she might have gotten sick from one of her patients. She then says that she will have to treat her as a test and if she fails, she will die.

Chopper immediately puts her to bed and runs some tests. After checking a few books and mixing the medicine, he gives her a green orb in the shape of a ball, which Dr. takes. Kureha. Chopper wonders if he’ll ask what’s inside her, explaining that there’s no patient who has room in his heart for such a question; diseases cannot be cured if the patient does not completely trust his doctor. He then eats the medicine. Chopper asks if she’s feeling better, but Dr. Kureha says that the medicine isn’t working that quickly and that she needs to rest. Later that night, as Chopper was about to go outside to get more water, Dr. Kureha told him that he did a good job for someone like him.

In the present day, Chopper still says that was the only compliment he received from Dr. Kurehy for all those 6 years. So instead of acknowledging him as a doctor, she trusted him with her life; such a person is Dr. Kureha. Chopper then realizes that he said too much, but Robin is already up and ready to head back to the ship. Before leaving, she tells Chopper that she wishes she had someone to text like him. They returned with Chopper carrying a full barrel of water (still at Brain Point).

Later that night, all the Straw Hats ate the fruit that Zoro had collected. Nami was disappointed with Luffy and Usopp, but congratulated Zoro on a job well done and said that she would collect the fruit overnight. Sanji passed out but Zoro told him to shut up. Before they could fight, Nami held them both back, saying that she was just kidding. As everyone laughs, Luffy asks how Chopper’s day was. Chopper said nothing out of the ordinary happened then looked at Robin reading his book before adding “…But it was a great day!”

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