
As the episode begins, we’re back at Enel and Nami’s clash. Enel tells Nami that now that she’s told him all those things, he obviously can’t leave the ship “safely”. Nami thinks she doesn’t regret it because even though she knows she can’t beat Enel, she can’t even stay on the ship. Enel shocks Nami by asking her if she expects to be rescued by the “two rats” who sneaked on board (meaning Sanji and Usopp).

Usopp – who is also now climbing the outer wall of the ship thanks to some strange star boots while hanging from a rope – complains and moans that he’s scared to get to the Ark Maxim and doesn’t know what to expect there. He also assumes that there must be thousands of people on such a large ship. Sanji tells him to stop complaining and be stronger because he and his inventions are in dire need of help. He mentions that Enel probably already knows of their presence due to his mantra ability. Once they enter the large opening in the ship, Sanji suggests – much to Usopp’s dismay – that they split up and head straight for the deck. Usopp thinks that means Sanji assumes at least one of them will die, and Sanji tells him that if it saves Nami, it’s okay for Usopp to die! Sanji walks in and Usopp runs after him.

Enel thinks the two intruders are lunatics trying to save Nami and Nami is confused as to who they could be since the only one she knows can still move is Luffy. Enel tries to attack Nami with a lightning strike, but she manages to dodge it. Enel tells her that since all three are going to die anyway, he won’t wait for her defenders and could start getting rid of her now. Nami thinks about how to defend herself.

Sanji and Usopp walk through the inside of the ship alone and are amazed at the elaborate machinery that keeps it flying. They both note that no one seems to be here and that the ship appears to be automated, though Usopp is confused as to how that could possibly work.

In the ruins of Shandora, Robin uses his Hana Hana no Mi powers to carry the bodies of Zoro, Wyper, and the others near Giant Jack. She notes that the sky is getting darker, which she thinks means Enel will start destroying soon, and complains about the fact that the Golden Bell is probably right over their heads.

On Angel Island, residents are still piling onto ships to escape to the White Sea, and someone comments on how menacing the Ark looks.

In the Shandia village, some Shandia are stunned at the idea of ​​abandoning the warriors, but the Shandia chief tells them to trust them and that everyone must take care of their own problems first. He tells them that Enel is going to destroy Skypiea like he destroyed Birka and it’s time to prepare and flee. The Shandia start running around and the Chief thinks about Wyper and the coming “end” of everything.

On the Going Merry, Conis recalls meeting the Straw Pirates and is frustrated that even though it’s right here in front of her, she can’t know what’s going on in the Upper Yard. He prays for their safety.

In a hole in the ground, Aisa cries over Pierre’s apparently lifeless body and thanks him for protecting her. He hears Luffy yelling for her and finds himself landing in a very awkward position. Luffy manages to raise the golden orb with his hand still encased in it above his head and tells Aise that it’s not over yet. He knows where the ark is going and tells Aise that they are going to the giant beanstalk where they found Robin earlier.

Nami uses Clima-Tact to dodge one of Enel’s attacks and Enel is amused. Nami apparently uses her Thunder Ball Clima-Tact ability to create a path for Enel’s lightning attacks to follow her. Enel is stunned but says he can change his attack so this trick won’t work anymore. As he is about to act on his threat, Usopp throws Hissatsu Kaenboshi at him. Enel and Nami are both surprised to see Usopp, and Usopp is surprised to see that Sanji isn’t up on the deck, so he runs back inside in a panic.

Deciding to be brave, Usopp runs back onto the deck and dodges several of Enel’s lightning attacks. He then asks Nami to save him, but Nami scolds him, reminding him that he is the one saving her. As the two banter, Enel launches another lightning attack and they dodge. Usopp notices that Nami is wearing a straw hat and she tells him that Luffy was just there and got thrown, but he’ll be fine. Usopp says that they can’t rely on Luffy to save them and that they will have to do it on their own. They dodge another blitz.

Usopp suggests they hide behind the large electrical tube in the center of the deck, as it seems to be turning on something important and Enel will be reluctant to use large attacks nearby. Nami shows that her Waver is still on board somewhere and they can try to jump ship with it. Usopp is worried about heights, but Nami tells him about an island cloud on the island below (which happens to be around Giant Jack) that they are flying over and can try to land if they follow this plan. Enel attacks Usopp again with lightning. Usopp tells Nami that he will distract Enel while she prepares everything.

Usopp jumps onto the electric tube and casts Usopp’s spell, in which the victim must think of having needles stuck under their fingernails. Nami is the one distracted by the thought, which irritates Usopp though. Usopp tries a few more crouch-worthy ideas to cast Usopp’s spell on Enel, but Enel fails and rises into the air, knocking Usopp down with his golden staff. Nami gets the wave, but as she yells at Usopp she is ready, Enel burns Usopp’s body with his lightning. Enel then turns his attention to Nami and tells her that escaping will not be easy. As Enel walks towards her, Nami rides the Wavera past him towards Usopp, who is showing signs of life, and tells him to take her hand as she approaches him. Usopp raises his hand for Nami to grab him on the way out of the ship, but Enel uses his staff to push her back down and Nami passes Usopp without being able to grab him.

Enel tells Usopp it’s too late to save him, and as he prepares for a final lightning strike, Sanji jumps in, lifts Usopp’s body off the floor onto Nami’s wave, and tells them both to get off the ship. Nami wants to turn around and help Sanji, but Usopp steps on the gas and tells her to respect Sanji’s decision to save them, and they ride Wavera off the ship and fall into the air. Meanwhile, Enel launches a massive blitz on a calm-looking Sanji.

After completing the attack, Enel says that while Nami and Usopp jumped away, they still have to escape because his attacks can hit them anywhere. But he notices that Sanji, though blackened and obviously weakened, is still standing in the same spot. Sanji thanks Enel for lighting a cigarette and tells him to prepare to cry before collapsing to the floor. Enel shrugs off Sanji’s shoulders before suddenly parts of the Ark Maxim stop working. Black clouds stop coming out of the chimney and some electrical connections become unstable. Enel curses Sanji and wonders aloud what the brazen mortal has done to his ship.

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