
The 400-year war on Sky Island is coming to an end. Cricket Mont Blanc and the Masira brothers hear the Golden Bell ringing and realize that the Golden City has always been in the sky. Enel, who was cast into the Blue Sea, heads to the Fairy Vearth (Moon). The Sky People (both Skypieans and Shandia) celebrate the end of the war with a great bonfire.

Luffy delivers his finishing blow to Enel with this golden orb arm, causing the Golden Bell to ring and fall, shattering the golden orb. Cricket and the Saruyama Alliance hear the ringing all the way from Jaya and everyone else on Sky Island. The Straw Hats rejoice when they hear the beautiful sound of the bell.

After confirming the existence of Sky Island, Cricket believes that the “giants” he sees in the cumuloregalis clouds were just the shadows of the Sky People living on Sky Island. Then she cries with relief knowing that the Straw Hats are safe.

Back in Skypiea, the Golden Bell falls into the sky ocean, followed by Enel and his Ark Maxim. The Skypieans watch as he dives into the sky ocean. After 400 years, he finally fulfilled his promise to ring the bell. Luffy lays down and wonders if the old man and the others heard it, to which Nami replies that she’s sure they did.

All battle participants are now healing or recovering. Chopper goes to Wyper to treat his injuries. Zoro, Usopp, and Sanji think that the city of gold was a city of gold in name, because they couldn’t find any treasure in it, that it was too bad that the Golden Bell fell into the sky ocean, and they weren’t They couldn’t get any gold, so they continued in the path of poverty. Usopp isn’t too torn about this as he’d much rather have dials than gold since you can’t find those in the Blue Sea.

Luffy, Nami, Conis, and Su return to the group carrying a huge sack of food they found in the priest’s warehouse on the way through the forest. Behind them, Conisa’s father, Pagaya, who she believed died while protecting her, appears and tells her that he is alive. He said he found himself in the White Sea after the crash. He also updated everyone on how the evacuees are returning to the White-White Sea via the restored Milky Ways and that since Angel Island no longer exists, everyone is heading to the Upper Yard.

Gan Fall goes to rescue those Enel forced to work for him for 6 years to build the Maxim, and they are reunited with their families. The Shandorians discuss the events and consult with the Shandorian Chief if the 400 year rift could be repaired so easily.

Meanwhile, the Straw Hats have finished all their food and Nami suggests they go back to their ship so they can sleep comfortably tonight. However, Luffy and Usopp are disappointed by this statement and tell her that this comment disqualifies her from being a pirate and implies that they still need to get “that” thing they came for. Enel is seen on the Maximus sailing across the celestial ocean heading to where God should be, which is to Fairy Vearth (the moon).

Wyper regains consciousness. He sees Gan Fall, Conis, and the Shandorian Chieftain, prompting him to ask if they were captured by the Skypieans. The Shandorian Chief tells him that there is no difference between those wounded in battle. Wyper is restless and remembers that they still need to find and protect the Golden Bell. He then hears the sound of drums and sees a huge fire outside his tent and assumes they are declaring battle. Chief Shandorian calms him down and tells him to wait and see how things go. Gan Fall then encourages him to look outside and see that instead of a battle, there is a celebration between the Skypieans and the Shandorians. Wyper sees this and smiles.

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