
Marines are heard singing “I Don’t Know, But I’m Told” while patrolling the bridge. One of them says he’s heard a rumor about how the other Marines think their base has gone soft because they haven’t seen any action. Another vehemently claimed it was not true.

Meanwhile, a damaged naval warship was being repaired at the dock, with workers complaining that it would take a week to repair the ship, while another said they had 3 days. Mekao can be seen in the background drinking and muttering that in the old days people treated their ships with respect. He then gasped and dropped the bottle as he saw the Going Merry falling from the sky and yelled for everyone to look.

The ship is shown falling and the marines raise the alarm saying they are under attack from the sky. The Marines then get to their posts and see the Going Merry and link it up with the Straw Hat Pirates.

The lower seaman then goes and tells Lt. Drake that the pirates have invaded. He asks where the Comm. Jonathan is, to which he says he doesn’t know.

Jonathan is then shown fishing Usopp’s sniper glasses out of the water while staring at the Going Merry while the Marines tell the Straw Hats that resistance is futile and they cannot escape.

In the kitchen, the two cooks discussed the commotion outside and were slapped with a ladle by the head cook, Jessica, who yelled at them for wasting time that could be spent preparing food for the soldiers on base.

Jonathan was then shown entering his office where Drake was waiting for him. Drake asked where he was as Jonathan threw his fishing rod and hat into Drake’s arms and said he didn’t catch anything. Drake starts to tell him if he’s been absent the whole time, causing trouble, but is stopped by Jonathan. A sailor arrives to announce that all the eyewitnesses claim to have seen a ghost and that the ship must be a ghost ship. Drake scolded the marine for reporting something important and only coming back with something useful.

The marines began to explore the ship and Jonathan noticed things peculiar to a “ghost ship” such as tea being unloaded and books well kept. Then the marine informs him of the treasure they found on board. The southern bird makes its scary sound, to which Jonathan tells the people to calm down because it’s just a silly looking bird, to which the bird attacks him and flies away. He told his men to keep up the good work and continue investigating the “ghost ship”.

Jonathan, walking with other senior sailors, begins to connect the dots about Jaya’s coffee taste and coffee-like color, the gold on the ship, and the legend of a golden city on Jaya, along with South Bird’s claim that it is not a ghost ship and that the other men were ‘ too green’ to handle the situation, so he continued with the ghost ship idea. Drake offers to start a search party, which Jonathan immediately shuts down and tells them to start searching at first light, warning them to check everyone because they might be disguising themselves to look like marines.

Chopper hides behind a tree and wonders where everyone is. Zoro emerges in the water and avoids the approaching ship, while Nami is shown hiding her ripple in a field of tall grass. Hiding in a tree, Sanji hopes that Nami and Robin are okay when a patrolling marine shoots at him, claiming to have seen a light. As they were leaving, Sanji got angry and said he couldn’t even smoke in peace by himself. Luffy is seen trying to pick a passage that will lead him to the meat, wishing he had Chopper with him to smell it for him. Usopp and Robin are shown together when Usopp finds his google. Robin uses his devil fruit to spy on the marines talking about the ship being a ghost ship and how the gold must be cursed.

Lying in his office, Jonathan thinks about who’s on board and what his job is.

To get away from the marines, Chopper throws trash out the window to distract them. Nami wonders where they landed, and Robin tells Usopp that figuring out how to escape is the main priority. Luffy is then shown literally shadowing the marine while Sanji thinks about how stupid he is and how he never takes things seriously.

At the end, Jonathan wonders why the Straw Hats are at the base and that he will have to wait and see.

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