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Sanji and Zoro must face the Groggy Monsters in a ball game. The Groggy Monsters cheat by using weapons and the referee pretends not to see anything. After taking a beating, Sanji and Zoro finally agree to work together for 10 seconds to win.

For the Straw Hat’s next event, they must win the Groggy Ring game to get Chopper back. Sanji and Zoro must work together to defeat the Groggy Monsters. The referee introduces the two teams, Sanji and Zoro as the two guys who sabotaged the Foxy Pirate teams in the first event, and introduces the Groggy Monsters as their strongest group, the Groggy Ring.

The Groggy Monsters are three giants named Hamburg, Pickles and Big Pan. After introducing Zoro as 60,000,000 bellies, Pickles says he wonders what kind of opponents qualifies them to come and play. The Groggy Monsters seem to think that Sanji and Zoro are no match for them.

The umpire comes out and says that field positions are decided by a coin toss. He then quickly flips a coin and Hamburg immediately says tails. The referee then asks Zoro and Sanji which side they chose. Sanji replies that there is only one side left to choose, so heads. After he answers, the judge shows the coin, which he has flipped to reveal tails. Then he smiles and laughs evilly. He turns to the Groggy Monsters and asks them if they want a field or a ball. Hamburg, answers leader Ball. The announcer then says in an excited voice over the PA that the Groggy Monsters have decided to receive the ball. He then says that Team Straw Hat Sanji must go to the center of his opponents’ circle.

Zoro and Sanji then start arguing about where to stand and who the ball is. They play paper scissors to decide who is Ballman. Zoro wins, but Sanji counters that Zoro threw the last paper late. Nami is frustrated and tells Sanji that the ball suits him. As they walk to the starting line, the referee tells Roronoa Zoro that there is no weapon policy and to take off his katanas.

The Groggy Monsters decide to rush Zoro and Sanji and crush them. The announcer then tells the teams that there is no time limit and the first point wins. Pickles rushes forward to attack Sanji, but he easily jumps over him. Sanji then tries to attack Ballman from the opponent’s team, Big Pan. He slips on Big Pan’s arms as part of him fails and their skin is slippery. Big Pan hits Sanji and sends him to Hamburg to score a goal. Roronoa Zoro tries to grab Sanji to go into the goal, but Pickles knocks him out of the way. Hamburg then grabs Sanji and throws him at the goal. Pickles grabs Sanji and throws him towards the goal. Before Sanji reaches the goal, Zoro throws Pickles at Sanji and Sanji kicks Hamburg, preventing him from entering the goal and losing the game.

Sanji and Roronoa Zoro are constantly arguing and fighting. Both say they don’t need any help to win on their own. Big Pan uses the mess to try to crush Sanji and Roronoa Zoro by crushing them. Big Pan breaks the rules by using weapons on his feet. Sanji gets mad and kicks the referee because the referee isn’t doing anything with Big Pan using weapons. This gets him a yellow card.

All three Groggy Monsters return with plenty of weapons. Roronoa Zoro and Sanji are beaten by everyone. They are beaten within an inch of their lives because they will not cooperate. After several minutes of severe beating, Roronoa Zoro and Sanji are shown to be barley conscious. The episode ends with Roronoa Zoro telling Sanji that they should work together for 10 seconds to win.

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