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Blueno appears behind Sanji using her Doa Doa no Mi ability and uses Rankyak to send Sanji flying backwards. Robin and Sogeking watch in horror as Sanji nearly slides off the wagon. Sogeking wonders how Blueno did it and Blueno slowly walked towards them. Sogeking stands in Blueno’s way, but when Sogeking briefly talks to Robin, Blueno has disappeared. Blueno suddenly appears behind Sogeking and Sogeking turns around in horror.

Franky is surprised that Blueno has disappeared, but Rob Lucci explains that it is because of Blueno’s Doa Doa no Mi abilities, which allow him to create doors even in the air itself (Air Door). Blueno uses Shigan on Sogeking and Sogeking falls to his knees. Sogeking demands that Blueno let Robin go, but Blueno stabs him again with Shigan. Sogeking falls to the ground and Sanji tries to attack Bluen but uses Tekkai to block. Blueno comments on Sanji’s weaker kick and brutally knocks Sanji to the ground. Blueno tries to attack Sanji again, but Robin holds him back with his powers, promising not to run away and hurt them. Blueno says that they are still attacking him and Robin urges him to leave before Sanji and Sogeking get up again. Sogeking suddenly blurts out that they will be fine, knowing that he is still hiding something. There is one last thing, and that is that a pirate cannot leave his crew without the captain’s permission. He then says that he can always believe in Luffy. Upon hearing his statement, Robin suddenly remembered the ruined island. Blueno kicks Sogeking away and Robin enters through the air door. Sanji calls out for Robin, but Blueno cuts him off and says he won’t break their deal. Sanji demands to know why, and Blueno explains that the island was wiped out a long time ago. He goes on to say that the Navy issued a Buster Call that completely destroyed the island and that Robin was the only survivor who was a child at the time. Sanji is shocked to hear this and Blueno says that Robin has lived with the nightmare for years. Sanji angrily says that they knew her and are just using her, and Blueno says of course they knew and it’s for justice. Sanji angrily tries to kick Bluen, but he is already disappearing behind his air door. Sanji shouts that this is not the end. Back in Carriage 2, Lucci tells Robin to take a seat as they will arrive at Enies Lobby shortly. Wanting to know what’s going on, Franky follows Robin and Kalifa wonders if it’s a good idea to let Franky go with Robin in the wagon. Lucci says there’s nothing they can do because they’ve almost reached their goal and all they can do is wait for their execution.

Back at Rocketman, Luffy angrily yells at Yokozuna for derailing the train and demands an apology. Yokozuna yells at Luffy, but Luffy starts attacking him, threatening to eat him. Yokozuna punches Luffy backwards and Paulie inside wonders what’s going on. Everyone else is shaken and Zambai notices that his royal bulls are gone with the rest of the Franky Family. Paulie says they disappeared when their train derailed. Everyone is suddenly shocked that Zoro is asleep while Kokoro controls the Sea Train. Zambai asks Kokoro if they will be okay and Kokoro tries to get the Sea Train back on course. Nami asks Kokoro if they know which way to go, and of course Kokoro says that Sea Trains are built with outer positions that always point to the other island’s stations. Nami says she’ll follow the sea because she’s a navigator, and Kokoro is happy to hear that. Kokoro then yells at Yokozuna to come over to her and Yokozuna does. Kokoro talks to Yokozuna, knowing he was just trying to protect her, but Kokoro informs him that the pirates didn’t kidnap her. Everyone is surprised to see Kokoro talking to a frog and meanwhile the Franky Family tries to look for everyone else. Suddenly, one of the members spots a lone train car and prepares to fight. However, upon closer inspection, they spot Sanji.

Back at Puffing Tom, the Caliph informs the Enies Lobby associate that he will be arriving soon. Lucci says how nostalgic he feels about returning to the “nightless island”. In Car 1, Franky is shocked to hear that Iceburg is still alive. Robin tells Franky that CP9 still believes they killed him and that Franky should keep quiet about it. Franky says Robin acts tough but has a heart. Franky then says that the world government has what they want: the only women with the know-how to bring back the ancient weapon and the men with the only known plans. Franky goes on to say that if the government gets hold of these plans, the whole world will be turned upside down. Franky says that his master gave his life to ensure that these plans did not fall into the hands of the government. Franky tells Robin that he has to find a way to get back to Luffy, but Robin says that he can’t stay with them, all he will bring is suffering. Franky assures Robin that she isn’t the one hurting them, the government is. Franky says the government can say Robin’s existence is a crime, but no matter how dangerous you are, just being alive and who you are is never a bad thing. Franky goes on to say, no matter what you do, you are who you are.

Back on Rocketman, Kokoro tells Yokozuna that it has been eight years since Tom was taken away. He notices how Yokozuna attacks Sea Train every day since then and that Yokozuna wants to get stronger so he doesn’t have to lose the ones he loves again. Kokoro tells Yokozuna that it’s time to test his training since Franky was also taken away. Kokoro asks if Yokozuna is going to fight and Yokozuna shouts “yes”. Kokoro tells Luffy that she has found another ally for him and Luffy is happy to hear that. Nami tells Kokoro that she found a good current to get back on track, and Kokoro is determined to get them back on course. Luffy, now on Yokozuna, is ready to go. Meanwhile, Puffing Tom has arrived at Enies Lobby and the marines greet CP9. However, Franky starts biting one of the marines on the head and the rest of the marines try to hold him back. Robin also gets off the train and Lucci comments on how loud Franky is. CP9 goes down with Franky and Robin and the rest of the marines and government agents comment on the group. Franky is shocked by the sight of Enies Lobby and notices a waterfall flowing into the void.

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