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In Enies Lobby, Spandam is pleased to hear that CP9 is on his way with Nico Robin and Franky. Meanwhile, the Franky Family tries to catch up with the others on Rocketman. Sanji had just finished telling the other members how Franky sacrificed himself to try and save Robin. The members are heartbroken but happy to hear how kindhearted his actions were. Luffy and the others on Rocketman finally catch up with the others and Sanji calls out to Luffy. Luffy notices Sanji but wonders who the other person is (Sogeking). Everyone is ready to fight and Zambai informs everyone.

In Enies Lobby, Spandam says that five years passed before all eight members of CP9 reunited. However, Spandam is furious when he demands to know why they murdered twenty more members of the Revolutionary Army instead of just three. Kumadori suddenly apologizes and says it’s all his fault. Jabra blurts out that a real man bows to no one and agrees to explain what happened. Kumadori says he will take his own life, but Jabra speaks up that they were ready to kill as a game, but the enemy somehow found out about their plan. Fukurou speaks up and says that it could have happened as he talked about the plan all over town and Jabra angrily pulls Fukurou’s mouth. Kumadori says there is no need to blame Fukurou and agrees to take full responsibility. However, he uses Tekkai to stop himself as he became very angry with Jabr. The three other members of CP9 continue to argue and Spandam says he understands before spilling hot coffee on himself. Spandam also says he heard Nero didn’t come out, but he doesn’t care.

Back at Rocketman, the Sogeking theme song plays again and Luffy and Chopper are stunned to see a real “superhero”. However, everyone else is not fooled by Usopp’s disguise. Chopper asks for an autograph and Luffy asks what happened to Usopp. Sogeking says it’s not important, but saving Robin is important. Sogeking, Luffy and Chopper start singing and Sanji suddenly tells everyone that they need to know something. Sanji tells everyone about the situation with Robin and how CP9 is using her childhood fear against her. Sanji explains that he’s not using that as an excuse not to save Robin, but Robin might not go with them if he tries to save her. Luffy shouts that it doesn’t matter and suddenly blames Robin. Nami smacks Luffy in the head and tells him not to blame her, but Luffy says he does. Luffy says he doesn’t care and will do anything to save her. Zoro tells Nami to let it go as the main goal is still the same. Luffy says he will beat each of them and says he has new moves to try.

Paulie suddenly speaks and says that a while ago he went to Enies Lobby to do maintenance on the railroad and wrote a rough sketch of Enies Lobby. Paulie says that the Gates of Justice are far back and the only way to get to them is through the Tower of Law. Luffy wonders what the big hole is and Paulie says it’s a waterfall. Paulie says that if he doesn’t save Robin and Franky before they go through the Gates of Justice, it’s over. Luffy says that it doesn’t matter if Robin goes through them, that he will save Robin, but Nami says that once they go through the gate, the only two places to go are Marine HQ or Impel Down. Nami says they have to sort this out before Robin goes through the Gates of Justice. Paulie speaks up and says that the straw pirates are the only ones strong enough to go against CP9 and says that they should stay back and give them five minutes before they continue. Zambai says that the Franky Family and Galley-La will break down the main gate first so that the train can pass through. Zambai knows that the Marines have over 2000 men, but the Straw Hats’ best chance of victory is to go after CP9 while the others take down the Marines. Luffy agrees to this plan and Kokoro speaks that they have arrived at Enies Lobby.

Everyone is shocked to see how big the Gates of Justice are, and Kokoro says that they only open the gates wide enough for criminals to pass through. Kokoro continues that sea kings lurk beyond the gate of justice, where no ships venture. Everyone is ready to go and prepare to carry out the plan. However, Luffy was lost and the gummy bear had already taken off in Enies Lobby much to the shock, annoyance and anger of everyone else. Paulie and Zambai thought they understood the plan and Zoro says he should have known Luffy would do it. Zambai orders Sodom and Gomorrah to jump over the fence and break down the gate. Meanwhile, Luffy uses Gomu Gomu no Rocket to venture further into Enies Lobby and is spotted by marines and government agents. Luffy charges forward while Spandam is informed of the intruder. One of the marines warns the others that the intruder is none other than Straw Hat Luffy, and Luffy knocks down several marines. The marines are shocked to hear that Luffy is there, and Luffy punches through the other marines who demand to know where Robin is.

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