
As Nico Robin and Franky are brought before Spandam, Luffy fights his way through another wave of marines. To get past the gate, Zoro orders them to keep going. Yokozuna ducks the outside gates and they fly over the gate using it as a ramp inside. Back on earth, Paulie is stabbed by someone from the law enforcement unit. Rocket Man flies through the gate and the spike of the train slams into Oimo’s back, stunning him.

Rocketman approaches Enies Lobby. Meanwhile, Nico Robin and Franky are brought before Spandam, the leader of CP9. Spandam mocks Tom for rebelling against the government. Franky then attacks Spandam by biting him. Kumadori defended Spandam by striking Franky’s chains with his staff.

In the streets, Luffy defeats another wave of marines and World Government agents. He runs near the top of the building, rips out a section of the wall, blows it up, and uses his Gatling Gun move to cause the wall to turn into debris flying in all directions.

The remaining marines approach the Baskervilles, a group of three people disguised as one person. They tell Baskerville that Kashi has been defeated and that Oimo is overwhelmed by the remaining fighters. Baskerville sends a hundred Watchdog men into the area.

At the gate, Oimo is interrupted by the Franky Family while Mozu and Kiwi unlock the gate. Oimo tries to stop them from getting past the gate, but is held back by Paulie’s Rope Action. The royal bulls pull on the rope, causing Oimo to spin.

Meanwhile, Rocketman finally makes it to Enies Lobby. Yokozuna pushes the gate and allows Rocketman to go over the fence. The train is sent flying into the air. Meanwhile, the Franky Family finally defeats Oimo. Paulie walks past the gate with the others, but a member of the Watch Squad stabs him in the shoulder. Oimo also wakes up, only to be knocked back by being bumped into by Rocketman.

The Straw Hats emerge from Rocketman and defeat the marines and agents. The remaining agents chase Luffy near the end of the cliff. Luffy yells at the agents and tells them to stay out of his way.
While the Marines try to contact Spandam, the Den Den Mushi they are actually using is very similar to the one belonging to Mr. 3, with the Mr. 3 on the shell.
In a flurry of attacks on the marines and government soldiers, Luffy once yelled at Tonkachi, referring to Gomu Gomu no Tonkachi, a situational technique Luffy used when his legs were held back by Mr. 3’s wax, showing another reference to Mr. 3.

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