
Robin discovers that Spandam is the son of Spandine, the man who caused the Buster Call on Ohara. Sogeking shoots Spandam with his Kabuto and saves Robin while Franky releases her bonds from the Seastone. Now Robin can use his devil fruit powers again and finally unleashes his wrath on Spandam with his Seis Fleurs Slap. However, Buster Call on Enies Lobby has just started.

As the Gates of Justice are opened to allow Spandam and Robin through, the Marines and Agents continue to race for their lives and are surprised. Meanwhile, Kashii and Oimo continue to carry the workers of Galley La, Franky Family and Sodom and Gomorrah and escape from Buster Call. Everyone is rooting for Luffy and Franky.

Luffy, still in Gear Second, stands in front of Lucci, who is still in half-leopard form. Captain Straw Hat shows his determination to defeat Lucci as Franky runs to Robin.

Spandam has released Robin’s teeth grip on the bridge and the marines are ready to welcome Spandam. The CP9 boss looks on with pride as he planted a land mine to blow up the stairs and anyone who tried to climb them. He then proceeds to pull Robin on the rope, who tries to tell his captor that he is not passing. Boss CP9 assures that the entire Straw Hat crew will be vaporized by Buster Call just like Ohara. He goes on to tell her that Spandine commanded the mission to Ohara. Spandam also tells the story of Robin’s life on the run from the world government.

Robin assures that Ohara’s legacy will not die as long as he lives. Just then, Franky suddenly detonates a mine. Spandam rejoices as he is about to enter history.

When all seems lost for Robin, Spandam is suddenly hit by a projectile that shocks the scholar. The Marines are confused trying to find the shooter. As the marines are gathered, Robin looks surprised when Usopp has arrived and is standing atop the Law Tower.

Spandam is then shot and Robin runs off to get him. The marines almost shot her to stun her when Franky blocked the bullets with his steel body. Usopp then contacts Franky that he brought the keys for Robin to put on the handcuffs. It takes a few seconds, but Franky finally frees Robin.

Spandam screams in horror that all of his agents have been defeated. Usopp assures Robin that the Straw Hats will gladly take her back. He then takes his frustration out on Spandam using Seis Fleur and Slap, quickly slapping Spandam before smashing his face. Franky then contacts his new friends via Den Den Mushi that it’s time to come up with an escape plan. Just then, Usopp hears a buzzing sound and the Buster Call ships arrive to begin the bombardment.

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