
After being hit by Luffy’s Gigant Pistol, Lucci barely manages to get up, so he continues his fight with Luffy. We also learn about the past of the sadistic agent CP9 thanks to Vice Admiral Doberman, how Lucci became the enforcer of his “dark justice”.

Lucci is nearly unconscious after being hit by Luffy’s Gomu Gomu no Giant Pistol, reminding himself that he can’t afford to fall into the water. He then lands on Buster Call’s ship, where the marines are confused and stunned.

On Zoro Island, Sanji and Sogeting (carried by the former) are running through a tunnel and see water coming towards them. But the water appears from the other, where it also chases Nami, Chimney, Chopper and Kokoro. Zoro tries to break through the walls to escape, but the tunnel has been reinforced and cannot be cut through, at which point they are engulfed in water. Meanwhile, the island’s marines try to escape the Buster Call in the Sea Train, despite knowing there is no driver.

On Buster Call’s ship, where Vice Admiral Doberman was, one of his men asks him what to do with Nico Robin, but he says not to get involved, saying that Rob Lucci could handle the mission. Meanwhile, on the ship where Rob Lucci was, he manages to get up and transform back into his human form, where the marines don’t recognize him when they see him, so they ask him to identify himself. There, the captain present tells them that it was Rob Lucci, for which they apologize to him. On the other hand, back with the Doberman, he begins to tell his subordinates the story of Rob Lucci.

15 years ago the kingdom was attacked by pirates where 500 of his soldiers were taken hostage and the captain demanded to be named the new king of the kingdom.

The desperate king was about to accept the request. However, one of his subjects tells him that a government emissary has arrived. Here comes 13-year-old Rob Lucci, who angers the king by believing that the world government has mocked them by sending them a child. Lucci approached the king who asked him to save the soldiers, but the boy told the king not to question the ways of the world government. This caused the king to be very perplexed about him, for although he was a child he was terrified of him.

Later, Lucci entered the pirates’ ship and tried to bring justice against them, then everyone laughed and made fun of him and two pirates tried to kill him with their swords; but Lucci blocked it with his Tekkai, leaving the two pirates confused. The captain, astonished, told him that he had warned him that if he continued to resist, the hostages would be killed, and then decided that the boy would be his hostage so that the World Government would obey them. After being locked up with the other hostages, Lucci made sure all the hostages were there; He then brutally murdered 500 hostages using his Rokushiki techniques.

While the pirate crew was still enjoying the party, one of the pirates ran outside yelling at his captain about the hostage problem, and the entire crew watched in horror as Lucci murdered them. After a brief discussion about the justice of world government, the captain angrily orders his crew to shoot Lucci with cannonballs. The captain said Lucci had what it took to put them down and then complained about how his perfect plan had gone awry. To his surprise and horror, however, he saw that Lucci had survived the blast; the latter quickly appeared in front of him and killed him with shigan fire. The rest of the crew, who saw this, were greatly alarmed and frightened, so that they fled quickly.

In the present, Luffy goes to the ship where Lucci was, so the marines present try to shoot him, but fail. Luffy then uses the Gomu Gomu no Gigant Ax where he destroys the ship and takes out many marines, but Lucci manages to avoid it and attacks him in his full leopard form, biting his shoulder. Luffy then uses Gomu Gomu no Gigant Whip and hits the masts of the ship that Lucci was on. Lucci charges at Luffy, jumping behind him and kicking him into the ship, unleashing a Rankyaku, which Luffy dodges and cuts through the deck.

Elsewhere, Spandam taunts Franky, telling her that even if they beat the other CP9 members, Luffy won’t be able to beat Lucci.

On the ship where Vice Admiral Onigumo is, he is informed that Rob Lucci and Luffy are fighting on ship number 4; he then orders said ship to be fired upon, knowing that Lucci will survive. However, one of his subordinates tells him that the ship is full of many of his men, but the vice admiral responds by shooting him to tell them about justice later.

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