
At the beginning of the episode, Franky accepts his invitation to join the Straw Hat Pirates. Usopp returns to find that the new crew ship, the Thousand Sunny, has already departed. When the crew is attacked by marines, Usopp shouts that he wants to go with them. He makes one last statement that he is sorry. Usopp admits he was wrong and Luffy reaches out to bring him back on board. The ship dodges Monkey D. Garp’s huge cannonball throw with Coup de Burst. Luffy then toasts the two returning members, the new crew member, and their new ship.

The scene changes to a cabin inside the ship, where the injured man remembers a man named Vigaro. A boy sits and watches over a man, worried about his physical condition. The scene changes again to a large man lying on a couch. He is surrounded by posted pirate flags and a group of people approach him, addressing him as “Dad” and asking him if he is staring at his flag collection again. One of the men in the group tells him that they are having a wonderful birthday party for him. Then we see the boy again, looking worried about the sick man as someone else walks into the room. The man addresses the boy Jiro and says that he will now look after the sick man.

The scene now shifts to the Thousand Sunny where the crew is enjoying their new ship. Nami sits in the large tub, Chopper spins in his new doctor’s chair and talks to himself while Sanji watches the window. Luffy catches a large shark and Usopp tells him to put it in the aquarium. In the room below, Robin, Franky and Sanji watch the aquarium and talk about how amazing the ship is. Luffy and Usopp run to the aquarium only to find that the shark has eaten all the other fish. Zoro sits in the watchtower on the ship and yawns. Everyone in the aquarium room sits as Franky explains how the ship’s docking system works.

Nami exits the bathroom and walks outside to find that the crew will soon encounter a winter island.

The crew soon notices that it is starting to snow. Zoro looks out the window to see what appears to be an abandoned ship. Everyone comments on how strange it is because the masts are missing. He sees people fishing. Sanji turns Sunny around to travel to the other’s ship. The biggest man who fishes says he can’t catch anything without bait. The smaller man says don’t say that and be pessimistic. The rotund man says he has nothing better to do and looks up to see Sunny approaching their ship.

The three men are in shock and Luffy asks if they’re okay, only for them to start yelling at the rest of the crew that pirates have arrived. Several crew members emerge from the ship, including Jiro. The three men who were on the fish then beg the Straw Hat Pirates for their lives, leaving the Straw Hat crew confused. They then board the ship and ask the mastless crew about their condition. The little man who was fishing earlier says that they are a group of fishermen who were attacked by pirates three days ago and begins to cry. The rotund man comments, saying that the straw pirates wouldn’t have anything to take if they were there to plunder.

Luffy offers them to come aboard the ship and get food. Sanji recommends that Chopper take care of the crew’s injuries, to which he agrees. The little man from earlier is shocked that Chopper can talk, which angers the reindeer. Chopper then treats their wounds and one of the men crouches down a lot from the treatment. The man who spoke to Jiro at the beginning of the episode comes out of his ship’s cabin to see the flag of the Straw Hat Pirates and receives a Den Den Mushi call from a man in frilly clothes asking what they found. The first man says they’ve come across a ship of rookies, which the frilly-robed man identifies as the Straw Hat Pirates. The man taking the call is shocked by the number and the caller tells him not to let them get away.

The scene switches to the dining room of the Thousand Sunny, where the Strawmen and “Fishermen” are feasting. The “Fishermen” are very grateful and thank Sanji. The big ones and the little ones point out how beautiful Nami and Robin are. Afterwards, Chopper is seen putting away his medical equipment after treating Jiro when the boy asks if he can treat one more person in their ship’s cabin. Luffy, back in the kitchen, tells the “fishermen” that they plan to go to the New World, which scares the first two fishermen. The rest of the crew seems angry with them and equally afraid of the New World. The man who took the call earlier boards the Sunny and gives the crew a barrel of alcohol, introducing himself as Stansen. He throws the keg to Zoro and says it’s strange what they had. The “fishermen” in the dining room sit looking tense, and one of them pulls a nasty poison out of his pocket.

The scene changes to Jiro and Chopper entering Jiro’s ship and looking at the sick man. Chopper is shocked by the man’s injuries and says he needs to operate immediately. In the cafeteria, the Straw Hats mention how strange it is to have a lot of alcohol and no food, to which Stansen responds by thanking him for the great meal. Luffy offers Stansen to take them back to their island, which Nami disapproves of. Sunny is then seen towing a “fishing” boat, with Robin looking suspiciously out the window. Chopper has finished surgery in the other ship’s cabin and tells Jiro that they can’t release until the wound is healed.

The weary pirates are shown falling asleep on their ship. The fishermen discuss their plan, with men both large and small feeling guilty about the kindness of the crew. One of the other men says they have no choice when Stansen says they will continue the mission. The man yells at Stansen and says that Vigaro would like to counterattack. They are interrupted by Franky, Sanji and Robin who reveal that they knew about the poison and want to know the truth. Zoro watches from the dining room window and says that three people will be enough before he goes to sleep.

As the clock strikes midnight, the scene switches back to the large man on the sofa. Everyone in the room starts celebrating the big man’s birthday when one of the party goers receives a call from a man in frilly clothes telling him about a big reward from the Straw Hat Pirates. The man is pleased and says that will do for today before hanging up. The final scene is a shot of the Thousand Sunny towing the second ship.

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