
The prison staff and Hancock finally arrive on the floor where Ace is being held. When the prisoners are loud and rowdy, Magellan silences them by attacking with a Hydra made from the poison of his Devil Fruit, and while they are all distracted, Hancock is able to tell Ace that Luffy is on his way to save him, much to his surprise. Meanwhile, Luffy continues to fight his way through Level 3 and runs into a freed Bentham. The two friends team up with the intention of going even deeper.

Bentham continues to sing as Buggy overhears that he is sure. Galdino begins to recognize singing. The two dodge Den Den Mushi while Bentham gives dancing lessons to the prisoners. After the prisoners collapse, Bentham spots Buggy and Galdin outside his cell and is surprised to see the other. Former Mr. 2 complains about being captured. The two pirates insist on not letting Bentham go.

Luffy runs down the stairs while Bentham, freed from his cell, is informed that their old enemy is running down the stairs. Bentham then begins to spin away.

Meanwhile, an alarm goes off when a marine complains about Luffy’s progress. This action would humiliate the world government including Impel Down. As they are about to head inside, a scantily clad female guard named Sadi-chan appears. She is the commander of the Demon Guard. Sadi whips a marine on the back for not saying chan. Daigin realizes that the guards won’t even need the Marines’ help in capturing Luffy so they can wait outside. Daigin reluctantly agrees and a suspicious koala-like demon is spotted. All entrances to Impel Down are then closed.

At Level 6, Magellan’s group escorts Hancock to Ace’s holding cell. Hannyabal expects Ace to behave, Jinbe is his special guest, and Boa Hancock visits him. He hopes that Hancock will marry Hannyabal when he is Warden, but Jinbe silences him. Some of the prisoners fall in love with Hancock’s presence, but she talks to Ace about the war to come. Jinbe knows that almost all summonses to Hancock have been rejected. Magellan is insulted when he tries to quiet the prisoners. A snake princess who will be horrified by a prisoner’s sexist calls. As the prisoners continue to call out for Hancock, Magellan becomes enraged and becomes a large mass of poison before summoning poisonous dragons to teach the prisoners a lesson.

Magellan deploys the Hydra, three venomous dragon heads over Hancock’s conversation with Ace. The dragons break into the cells of the prisoners who are horrified and one of them is poisoned to the point of death. As Hancock leaves, Ace worries that his visitor has told the truth. This gets Jinbe interested because Hancock said that Luffy is in prison.

Luffy suddenly climbs the stairs and is near Section C. As the guards take aim, he barely dodges the sea rock nets and meets the Sphinx again. Just then, Zoro arrives, posing as a ballerina. He calls out to his “buddy” and reveals his voice as Bentham, Mr. 2 Bon Clay, who befriended Luffy on Arabasta. He uses the Swan Arabesque to incapacitate the Sphinx.

After heroically sacrificing himself to fend off Hina, Bentham was captured and brought to Impel Down. Luffy is pleased, though he would rather have Zoro with him. Bentham then kicks the guards and dares them to hurt his friend. He and Luffy also continued to beat the Sphinx to teach her the law of the jungle.

Luffy and Bentham hug like swans never die unless it’s true. Saldeath complains about Bentham’s persistence and sends some Blugoris at them. The man knows like a ballerina that Luffy wants to get to level 5. Bentham says he wants to meet a selective person and they start fighting.

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