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Luffy runs into Mihawk, who he tries to avoid. He switches to Gear 2 and takes an alternate route to avoid the swordsman, but with Mihawk’s keen eyesight, he is able to attack Luffy from a distance with his black sword. Jinbe comes to the rescue, but is later unable to stop the swordsman from attacking Luffy. Then suddenly a sandstorm unleashed by Crocodile brings Buggy in front of Luffy and Mihawk. Luffy uses Buggy as a human shield to escape from Mihawk. As Mihawk is about to catch up with Luffy, Vista, who appears out of nowhere, blocks him with her two swords. As time goes on, the Marines seem to be making good progress with their plans. After Sengoku states that they need to win, an army of Pacifists led by Sentomaru arrives in the bay and destroys a number of pirate ships.

Luffy runs towards Ace, but Mihawk stands in his way. Deciding that he doesn’t have time to deal with someone as strong as Mihawk, Luffy activates Gear 2 to avoid him. Ivankov continues to fight Kuma as two of his Newkama soldiers try to hold Mihawk back from attacking Luffy. They hint at some past experience with the swordsman replying “I don’t remember the face of every worm” after defeating them both with a single swing of his sword. As Luffy gets close to Ace, Mihawk uses his incredible eyesight to notice Luffy’s quick movements and then attacks him from a distance with his sword, pinning him against the wall. Jinbe then enters the scene, commenting on Luffy’s resilience and defending him from a potential follow-up attack from Mihawk.

The two discuss the state of the war, and as the surrounding cannons aim at Jinbe and fire, he uses his Fish-Man Karate to stop the cannonballs in mid-air as Mihawk slices them in half with a single punch. The two then begin to fight. Freeing himself from the rubble of the collapsed wall, Luffy begins to attack Mihawk with the Gomu Gomu no Jet Bazooka, but anticipates that Mihawk’s sword will cut off both of his arms, prompting him to quickly redirect his arms. Mihawk comments on how Luffy isn’t as reckless as he expected as he slashes at the Straw Hat, which narrowly misses, but the sword’s shockwave slices through half of the frozen wave at the edge of the battlefield. While this is happening, Buggy quietly recaps his plan, titled “Make Captain Buggy a star before everyone else,” to his crew, a plan that involves stealing the Visual Den Den Mushi.

Crocodile is then seen standing in front of Doflamingo, who is standing over an incapacitated Joshua, telling him that he does not like the idea of ​​joining Doflamingo’s “New Era”. He then uses his Sables attack on Doflamingo and Joza, sending them away in a sandstorm that Buggy and his crew accidentally get into. Hancock is then seen confronting Smoker, but when she refers to Luffy as her “husband” and he asks about it, she goes into a dream-sequence involving herself and Luffy’s honeymoon, and the joy of having to cook for him. The daydream ends and Hancock is in a trance-like state of infatuation and Smoker is a little confused.

He quickly remembers his target after seeing Luffy and Mihawk out of the corner of his vision, effectively snapping Hancock out of her daze and angering her. Luffy is then seen running away from Mihawk, awkwardly avoiding a barrage of chops. Luffy starts to lunge at him, but is distracted by a crocodile sand tornado, so he quickly grabs Buggy’s lapels and uses him as a shield against Mihawk’s sword, which separates his legs from his torso. Luffy then throws Buggy’s torso towards Mihawk, who slices him into many thin strips.

Buggy angrily reforms his top half and uses his bottom half to launch a Muggy Ball at Mihawk, which effectively redirects it to the embarrassed clown, who makes a joke before falling victim to the explosion. Luffy runs away but is attacked by another ranged slash from Mihawk. Marco notices this and sends Vista to protect Luffy by fighting Mihawk. Unlike the previous fight with the Newkama Soldiers, Mihawk gives Vsta a dignified recognition, despite the fact that the two have never met face-to-face before. Luffy continues towards Ace, with a blurry effect on the screen as he runs. Mihawk watches him as he and Vista continue to fight, noting the fact that “among all the people in the sea, he (Luffy) has the most formidable ability”. Buggy is seen lying on the ice with his head literally bashed as his subordinates praise him for yet another accidental success; one of the men supports his severed body, which is held in the hands of Visual Den Den Mushi.

The narrator then hits, followed by a quick montage in which everything has a monochrome color scheme (first red, then blue, then yellow). After a cutscene, the two guards standing on either side of Ace cross their swords in traditional execution style, and both the onlookers from the Sabaody Archipelago and the members of the Whitebeard Pirates are taken aback in confusion and anger as they realize the execution will take place beforehand. schedule. Luffy continues on his way to the execution platform and Sengoku comments on his belief that the outcome of the battle is a victory for the Marines. Sentomaru then appears, accompanied by seven pacifists, who attack Whitebeard’s ships from behind, causing much confusion for the Whitebeard pirates, their allies, and especially Ivankov. The episode ends with Sentomaru taking a fighting stance, excited for the upcoming fight.

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