
The episode begins with Zoro on Kuraigana Island and Perona accompanying him. He is seen fighting the humandrills. He manages to keep the same ground as them, but is then thrown against a giant cross. The Humandrills are about to attack, but then mysteriously freak out. A mysterious figure approaches them and the baboons run away in terror. The character is actually Hawk-Eyes Mihawk. Zoro looks shocked to see him.

The scene changes to Torino Kingdom where Chopper is hanging over a hot pot about to eat. The people who caught him finally realize that he is not a raccoon, but a talking reindeer. The hot pot burns Chopper’s ass and the humans apply cream on him which instantly cools him down. They tell Chopper that they make all kinds of medicine from plants and that they can’t get to them because of the birds. More and more people are getting sick and their supplies are dangerously low. They decide to go to war against the birds. Chopper decides to talk to the birds and tell them about the situation.

Chopper climbs a tree and tells the birds about what humans need. The birds reply that they will not let them have the treasure. Chopper doesn’t understand and the humans are about to fight the birds. More birds arrive, so the humans shoot an arrow at them, but Chopper guards them with a Guard Point. He ends up falling from the explosion, but is saved by a cub he had befriended earlier and his mother. The mother bird talks to the others and they all come to an understanding. The reason the birds were so furious was because they liked to collect shiny things and had a whole treasury in their old house, but the people on this island took that treasure and drove the birds out of their homes. The birds thought that these people would do the same and made sure that none of them could climb the tree.

Exhausted from the exertion, Chopper falls unconscious and wakes up bandaged to find his wounds healed. He goes outside to see people and birds working together to exchange plants and shiny things. News Coo then comes and gives him the newspaper. Chopper’s reaction shows that this is not good news.

The scene changes back to Weatheria, where Nami is working on the weather fields and growing Weather Balls. News Coo arrives and Nami also sees something terrible. In the Boin Archipelago, Usopp ate too much. News Coo comes again and Usopp sees the news too. In the Kingdom of Kamabakka, Sanji is dressed as a woman and also receives the same messages that turn him back into a man. In Tequila Wolf, Nico Robin talks to one of the revolutionary army. They ask her to come with them, but she says she has to meet up with her crew. They say they have information on the Straw Hat Pirates and tell Robin. On Karakuri Island, Franky finally gets some coke and defeats the beast he encountered in Dr. Vegapunk’s lab. A piece of paper is printed and Franky finds out what the news is. In Harahettania, Brook composes music and tries to make a 45 degree angle, but ends up making 60. He returns to his music and sees stacks of papers below him. Brook also reads the news.

The scene cuts back to Zoro asking Mihawk why he is here. He replies that he lives here and asks Zoro the same question. He responds by saying that Kuma sent him here. Mihawk explains why Luffy was in Marineford and tells Zoro what the Straw Hats have discovered: that Luffy’s brother, “Fire Fist” Ace, died before Luffy’s eyes.

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