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Marine Corps HQ started rebuilding and the Marines had a meeting about Monkey D. Luffy. The sea-ship has returned, but will not stop in the bay; instead it fired at the island and began circling it. The marines started firing and discovered that the ship was carrying Jinbe, Luffy and Rayleigh. After completing one circle around Marineford, the three land on the island, with Jinbe and Rayleigh distracting the marines while Luffy runs to the Ox Bell. As the press and other onlookers watch, Luffy rings the bell sixteen times. Then he threw a bouquet of flowers into the largest crack in the ground, placed his straw hat on his chest and closed his eyes. The reporters excitedly photographed the incident before Luffy, Rayleigh, and Jinbe left the island.

At a meeting between Fleet Admiral Sengoku and Commander-in-Chief Kong at an undisclosed location, Sengoku tells his superior that he wants to retire from the Marines and nominates Aokiji as his replacement. Koby wakes up in the hospital to find that he now has the Haki ability. Captain Smoker decides to go to the New World to find Luffy and asks Aokiji to transfer to G-5. In the New World, Hawkins is seen being attacked by the pirate Brownbeard, and Eustass Kid is shown killing another pirate crew for showing weakness and wishing to return to Paradise.

The episode began with a look at the rebuilding of Marineford. She showed a room full of vice admirals as Lt. Brannew talked about how Luffy was revealed to have survived the Summit War of Marineford and caused trouble again. A flashback followed, showing what happened two days ago. Two reporters are seen talking about how the Marines will go after the pirates involved in the war. Suddenly, some marines see a warship with Luffy, Jinbe and Rayleigh on it. They made a complete circle around Marineford before entering the cove (which is done at a funeral). After that, the three of them got to the square. Luffy then ran to the ox bell and rang it sixteen times. He then walked over to the largest battle crack in the land, dropped a bouquet of flowers into it, and placed his hat on his chest to show his respect. Reporters who were on the scene excitedly photographed the incident. Soon after, a huge whale shark appeared in the bay as Luffy, Jinbe and Rayleigh escaped from Marineford. Then the newspaper printed the story and delivered it all over the world, including Water 7, Sabaody Archipelago, Arabasta and Foosha Village. The flashback ends with Brannew stating that it is humiliating for them to let Luffy go.

This was followed by a scene showing the Five Elders discussing who should fill the vacancies in the Shichibukai positions and Blackbeard proving to be a big problem. They also comment on how those with “D” are starting to cause trouble at the same time.

Another scene showed the Commander-in-Chief of the Kongo World Government and former Fleet Admiral Sengoku discussing Sengoku’s retirement. Sengoku also recommended Admiral Aokiji as the next fleet admiral.

The scene changed to Koby, Helmepp and the doctor at the hospital discussing how Koby gained Kenbunshoku Haki. Koby, talking to himself, says that he feels different with this new power and needs to train more to become stronger; as strong as “he” (“he” referring to Luffy).

Afterwards, Admiral Aokiji and Smoker talked about what Luffy was doing at Marineford and Smoker’s transfer to the G-5 Naval Base.

In the New World, Eustass Kid and his crew talked about Luffy’s actions. Kid asked what Ox Bell was. Killer explained what it was and why he thought Luffy rang the bell sixteen times.

The scene changes to Capone Bege’s ship being pulled towards a huge black ball in the sky and Urouge’s ship approaching an island that was constantly being struck by lightning. An old woman offered to sell the crew some umbrellas. It then goes back to Kid declaring that he will defeat Luffy in the New World.

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