
After two years of separation, the Straw Hats return to the Sabaody Archipelago. The crew members find themselves in a variety of conflicts and scenarios, with even Nami and Usopp facing off against the rogue Straw Hat crew. The fake Straw Hats eventually, albeit unknowingly, meet Luffy when he encounters his own impostor, causing him to fall and gain enmity towards the young pirate captain.

Two years have passed and the episode opens with Luffy retrieving his straw hat to resume his journey. The beasts on the island were tamed by Luffy. Luffy informs Boa Hancock that he is grateful for the food but does not want to marry her. On the Sabaody Archipelago, Rayleigh and Shakuyaku discuss how time has passed and the expected arrival of the Straw Pirates. Zoro interrupts and learns that he is the first of the crew to arrive on the island. Meanwhile, Nami is sitting at a bar that happens to be hosting the Fake Straw Hat crew.

The scene shifts to Sabaody Park, where there are posters of Brook everywhere. Brook plays his last concert of the world tour. Sanji arrives on the island, sets his sights on a woman with thread vision, and happily escapes for a few loving moments. The Fake Straw Hats ask Nami to join them. Nami declines their offer, saying that she is waiting for someone. Fake Luffy gets angry and tries to scare her by saying he is the son of a Dragon. Fake Nami approaches Nami and warns her that she has a bounty on her head. Usopp enters and uses his weapon on the Fake Straw Hats. Nami recognizes Usopp and greets him warmly. Usopp tells her about the new Pop Green weapon. He is surprised to see Fake Sogeking and even more Fake Luffy. Nami uses her weapon from Weatheria to create a storm cloud. They randomly leave the bar when lightning bolts explode and cause invisible damage. Fake Luffy angrily stumbles out of the bar’s smoking door. He orders his crew to find and kill them.

Later, Robin is seen evading mysterious pursuers. He thinks aloud about Brook’s concert and the Fake Straw Hats recruitment posters. Franky is seen near the Thousand Sunny; it is completely undamaged and looking forward to sailing soon. Tony Tony Chopper is seen walking and eating a Grand Bun as he comments that it tastes good. However, he is happier when he finds a cotton candy vendor. Meanwhile, Fake Luffy runs into a couple resembling Nami and Usopp. First she shoots the girl and then decides to mercilessly shoot the guy she was with when she complains. Luffy comes into the scene at this point. He is carrying a huge backpack, which crashes into Fake Luffy, causing him to fall. Luffy’s fake anger is directed at Luffy. The episode abruptly ends with Luffy saying “Huh?”

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