
The Sun Pirates begin making their way to Koala’s hometown, giving her a slight makeover, giving her new clothes and cutting her hair. While on their ship, Koala still acts like a slave, doing chores without being asked and asking for orders.

Arriving in her hometown, Tiger takes Koala to her home, where she has an emotional reunion with her mother while Tiger leaves, but not before Koala says goodbye to him, to which she smiles.

On his way back to the ship, he is ambushed by a fleet of marines who have been told their location by the townspeople and begin attacking him. Meanwhile, Jinbe and Arlong hear the fight and decide to go to the rescue, but it is inevitably too late as Tiger is seriously injured in their encounter.

On the battleship Arlong, which was hijacked earlier, the crew try to save his life by giving him a blood transfusion (human blood), but Tiger refuses, saying that he would rather die than receive something that belonged to humans, telling his crew about his harsh past and died shortly after. while the Sun Pirates mourn his loss.

The Sun Pirates get Eternal Pose to Koala’s hometown. Koala is given a new look and has lost some of her trauma as Aladine notes that trauma is not something that is easily overcome. Koala sails with the fish men and discovers that they are not like the sky dragons. Arlong doesn’t get along with the Koala, while Jinbe changes her views on human beings, remembering what Otohime said about them, and realizes that she might be right. Koala’s time with the Sun Pirates becomes fun as all the members (except Arlong) get along.

Koala reaches her hometown and Fisher Tiger accompanies her. The koala is reunited with his mother and cries after seeing her. She tells her mother that fish men are nice people and says goodbye to Tiger saying that she will never forget him and Tiger just smiles at her.

Just as Fisher Tiger is leaving, he is attacked by marines with Rear Admiral Strawberry stating that someone from the village informed him of his arrival, but the people on the island were fine with the marines attacking him in exchange for the koala not returning to the Sky Dragons as property. He tells Tiger that his crimes are hit and run. Jinbe hears gunshots and sees Marine battleships arrive and begin attacking the ship while Arlong comments on how the people are doing. Meanwhile, Jinbe tells Arlong that they must go and find the Fisher Tiger to bring him back safely. Arlong hijacks one of the marine ships and Jinbe and the others manage to rescue Tiger. However, Tiger suffered several injuries with blood all over his body from the bullets, while Koala is unaware of what happened and her mother did not tell her what happened.

On the ship they hijacked, Aladine tries to perform a blood transfusion to save Tiger because human blood is the same as fish-man blood, but Fisher Tiger refuses to transfuse human blood into his body, saying that he has the blood of humans who hate fish-men and that their blood is tainted and he will not yield to the people. Tiger explains to his crew that he was a slave and how he escaped and why he saved all the slaves. Saying that both humans and fishmen need peace, he admits that Otohime was right and that only the children of the next generation who are not prejudiced like the Koala, and asks his crew not to tell the island what really happened. about their grudge and hatred against humans for the sake of the future. He says that his body would reject this blood because of the demon that resides in his heart, and he tried, but he can never love a human. Jinbe and Aladine plead with Tiger to live, assuring him that he is the hero of the slaves and the greatest fishman ever, providing comfort to Tiger as he reminisces about his youth and the episode ends with Fisher Tiger’s death and his crew mourning the loss of their beloved. captain.

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