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Neptune’s army tried to stop Hody Jones and his pirates from reaching Gyoncorde Plaza, but the sight of the king held hostage prevents them from attacking. The civilians of Fish-Man Island climb the walls of the square to see the defeated army with King Neptune held captive by the New Fish-Man Pirates in the middle of the square. Jinbe, Shirahoshi, and Megalo finally left the Sea Forest and made it to the square. Vander Decken IX shaves the top of his head in his grief, but then laughs and exclaims that he has an idea to destroy everything.

The three princes finally arrived at the square where they easily defeated the sea creatures. Fukaboshi then gives a speech urging the people of Fish-Man Island to forget the discrimination the people have suffered and focus on a better future, but Hody and his officers attack the three princes while being enhanced with energy steroids. The princes are soundly defeated, and Hody brags about his victory.

Hody watches the destruction he unleashed with his enhanced water bullet, and Ikaros comments on how Hody was writhing in agony from an overdose of energy steroids before his transformation. The citizens watched in horror not only the destruction of the district, but also the utter defeat of Neptune’s army, with both the Minister of the Right and the Left seriously wounded in the attack. King Neptune watched helplessly as his soldiers were destroyed, and Hody returned to Gyoncorde Plaza. The minister of the left had just regained consciousness as he watched his king being led away to be executed. As the citizens help the army rise from the rubble, the Minister laments how they were almost ready to fulfill the late Queen Otohime’s dream of peaceful coexistence with humans until Hody arrived and threw the island into chaos. He then pleaded towards the heavens, hoping that someone would save the king before Hody executed him. Hody and his pirates continue their journey towards the square, with everyone on earth watching them, including Madam Shyarly.

Back in the Fish-Man District, Vander Decken IX cries in grief over his rejection by Princess Shirahoshi, and his crew tries to cheer him up, but he angrily refuses their help, saying that he doesn’t know what it’s like to be heartbroken. . He even went so far as to shave off his hair, but only the top of his head. He begins planning to murder Shirahoshi for deceiving him in his own warped perception, knowing that he still has the means to send weapons at her, but he remembers that Luffy will still protect her. Torn over what to do, he then notices a giant ship near the district. He started laughing maniacally and said he had an idea to destroy everything.

When Hody and his pirates arrive at the square on their sea animals, they are greeted by the remaining soldiers of Neptune’s army, all armed with rifles pointed at them, and their captain orders Hody to release King Neptune or they will open fire. The situation worsened when the soldiers saw Neptune held at gunpoint. The king then yells at his soldiers to run so they don’t die a senseless death, but Ikaros Much won’t allow it and orders the sea bear to attack. The soldiers began shooting at the sea bear, with most of the shots hitting the bubble holding the creature afloat.

As the sea bear hovers above the soldiers, the bubble bursts and the huge animal crashes down on the soldiers. Those that weren’t crushed were either trampled or tumbled down the wall. While the soldiers in the center of the square watched the event, the officers of the New Fish-Man Pirates were then greeted, as well as their horses, so that they were surrounded on all sides. Behind the locked gates of the square, citizens climb the walls to see the outcome of the battle in the square. Their first glimpse is of the soldiers being defeated by sea beasts, King Neptune impaled, and the New Fish-Man Pirates cheering.

In the Sea Forest, Jinbe finally makes his way to Gyoncorde Plaza with Shirahoshi and Megalo, commenting on how Luffy has caused him a lot of trouble. Before leaving, she asks Camie to take care of Hatchan. Luffy and his crew are nowhere to be seen.

Back at the Plaza, Hody and his crew are revealed to be victorious, but one badly wounded soldier refuses to admit defeat and is ready to launch a suicide attack on the officers before the princes arrive. Both the officers and Hody spotted him, and Hody, not wanting any disturbance, attacked the soldier with an enhanced water shot before the solder could light the fuse, killing him and breaking through the wall of the square where he continued, destroying everything in his power. journey until he reached Mermaid Cove, where he fell into the sea like a harmless drop of water. The Fish-Man pirates were left shocked by the force of the attack, while the officers were in awe and spoke to Hody about his transformation, asking him if he was okay, to which he replied “he never felt better”.

Suddenly, the three princes burst through the gate on their horses, much to the delight of the citizens, but expressed their dismay when they saw the state of Neptune’s army. They turned their anger on Hody and his crew. Neptune warns his sons to watch out for the animals and the officers as they have all taken energy steroids. As the sea beasts surround the prince, Fukaboshi yells at Hody Jones that he and his people are the weakest on the island. It describes how the people on the island try to ignore their history of discrimination by humans, as well as enduring the pain of losing Fisher Tiger and Queen Otohime to the humans. Therefore, they signed for a better future and that Hody will never understand their kindness.

However, Hody taunts him that it’s a meaningless gesture and that it’s just human tricks. As the sea beasts prepared to attack, the princes first struck and knocked out two of the sea beasts, each with their horse mounted on defeating the sea bear. The citizens were left in awe of the princes defeating the drugged sea beasts with such ease. The princes then prepare to face Hody, strengthening their will to prevent Hody from taking over the island and destroying the chance of peace their mother had tried for. Hody made no concessions, noting that the victors of this battle would rule the island. As his officers each take a pill of energy steroids, the princes prepare to defend against their unnatural power.

The officers attacked quickly and mercilessly inflicted severe injuries on the princes and their steeds. In the end, the three princes are defeated, the king watches helplessly as his sons lie in pain, and Hody laughs at his victory over the royal family.

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