
Shirahoshi reveals that Megalo witnessed Hody shoot Queen Otohime and told her in secret. Shirahoshi recounts her promise to her mother to hold no grudge against her killer, and has kept a secret with her ever since. Jinbe is shocked how she kept this secret for so long. However, Hody laughs at her; he called her actions stupid and taunted her, saying that her secret would stop his plans to take over the island. He proceeds to fire several Yabusame at her family. Hody decides to execute King Neptune ahead of time. Remembering Shyarly’s prediction, the citizens begin chanting for Luffy to come and wreak havoc before Hody kills their beloved king.

Before Hody can deliver the killing blow, Luffy escapes Megalo’s mouth and kicks Hody with Gear 2, sending him flying through the walls of the square. Nami and Robin set out to free the royal family and Jinbe, as well as steal back the letter from the World Nobles. The rest of the crew arrive with the Thousand Sunny. The citizens ask Luffy if he is friend or foe, but Luffy replies that they should judge for themselves.

Hody Jones questions Shirahoshi about the meaning of her statement. Shirahoshi explains, saying that Megalo told her that when Megalo witnessed everything that happened that fateful day because he was part of Neptune’s army. Commenting that he doesn’t believe it, Jinbe asks Shirahoshi why she kept it a secret, but Shirahoshi cuts him off before Jinbe can finish his question. Holding back tears, Shirahoshi says that this is not what her mother Otohime would want, as the citizens would then hold a grudge against Hoda. Shirahoshi remembers his last promise to his mother. The three princes wonder if Shirahoshi carried this heavy burden on her shoulders when she was all alone in the Hard Shell Tower.

Jinbe stares in disbelief, thinking it’s unbelievable that Shirahoshi could pull off a feat that not many people could. Hody laughs at this revelation, infuriating Jinbe. Hody taunts Megalo and thanks him for only telling this stupid girl (Shirahoshi), which allows the New Fish-Man Pirates to be where they are today. Hody then chastises Shirahoshi for her short-sighted actions, stating that such actions are called “stupid” in this world, that her choice will be the reason for the fall of the Ryugu Kingdom and the cause of the destruction of the land and herself. the death of her family. Jinbe comforts Shirahoshi, saying that her actions are right. However, Hody objects, saying that it was foolish of Shirahoshi. To prove his point, Hody uses Yabusame on the captured royal family. After a series of attacks, Neptune falls, his crown rolling across the floor.

The citizens look on in shock while the outlaws celebrate and laugh at the sight. Hody prepares to behead the captured royal family before the appointed time, as his concerns, Jinbe and Shirahoshi, now pose no threat. Outlaws cheer and encourage the Feast. Some children cling to hope and demand that Shyarly predict when the Straw Hat Pirate will arrive to destroy the island. Shyarly shrugs and replies that she can’t be sure and that it could be days or even years. The kid cries and says he wants them to cause havoc now because it would be problematic for the New Fish-Man Pirates as well, and the other kids agree. Other adults also hope for the arrival of straw pirates. As the others watch helplessly, one yells at Luffy, asking him to do his worst right now. This begins with the plea and chanting of the citizens.

Hody wants to prove them wrong by executing Neptune. As Hody swings his sword, Shirahoshi yells for Luffy to save her father. Hody stops when he’s inches from Neptune’s head and turns to watch Megalo who struggles for a moment before spitting something out. Without warning, Luffy quickly kicks Hody, sending him flying backwards. The citizens stare in shock and surprise at Luffy’s arrival. Jinbe comments that it’s too early for Luffy to show up, but admits that there was no choice. Jinbe then calls out and asks the others to hurry up. Ikaros Wonders a lot who Jinbe is talking to. Nami replies to Jinba that they were prepared a long time ago because things don’t always go according to plan regarding Luffy. Nami is in sight as she casts the mirage, shocking Ikaros.

Nami stole the letter from the Celestial Dragons and further reveals that she gave the key unlocking the chains that bind the Prince and Neptune to Robin. The Thousand Sunny flies towards the square with Franky on board. Franky fires the Gaon Cannon into the square, clearing the way for Hoe. Jinbe asks the princes to leave with Neptune. Dosun tries to intervene but fails. As the ship lands, it is revealed that Luffy’s crew and Pappag are also on board.

As Luffy walks towards his crew, the citizens ask them many questions, questioning their motive and actions. Luffy calmly replies that the citizen must judge for himself whether the straw pirates are friends or enemies.

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