
The story goes back to before Noah started returning to the island. Jinbe and Sanji continue to fight Wadatsumi, and Wadatsumi gets angry and puffs up, unknowingly crushing some of his allies. Sanji encourages him to get bigger after saying that he is smaller than Surume.

At that time, Neptune is greeted by some of his soldiers and the Minister of the Left, who apologizes for not protecting him. The minister of the right comes to the square with part of the army and is informed about the situation. They officially join the battle against the New Fish-Man Pirates, teaming up with the Straw Hats and Jinbe, claiming they made a terrible mistake accusing them. Hammond uses human pirates as slaves in his slave tank and Jinbe asks Robin to free them and she agrees. He frees them and easily defeats Hammond with his double clutch, breaking his back. The freed slaves then rebel against the New Fish-Man Pirates and team up with the Straw Hat Crew. The Minister of the Left contacts the Air Tank and is informed of the situation. He orders the evacuation of the island and all the citizens try to leave the island.

At that time, the whole island can hear Luffy’s conversation with the soldiers, Shirahoshi and Fukaboshi, who say that he knows who Hody Jones really is. He says Hody is a monster born from their environment. He says that the officers are all the same and how they are just monsters born from the hatred born from their ancestors and they fear that their hatred will one day pass and so does their hatred for the people and they want them to be evil to justify their actions, they don’t even want to. peace for pisces men. He remembers what he asked, what humans had done to Hody, and Hody replied “nothing” and that they were chosen by the heavens to punish humans and grant them power. He goes on to say that their hatred does not come from belief or experience, but they are nothing more than empty adversaries. Hody then laughs maniacally and charges at Luffy and Shirahoshi with bloodshot eyes.

Sanji and Jinbe continue to attack and hurt Wadatsumi. An angry Wadatsumi takes a breath and expands his stomach, calling himself “Mega Monk”, becoming even bigger than before. Sanji asks if that makes sense and says that the kraken is still bigger than him. This angers Wadatsumi and he expands even more, crushing everything within range. Sanji is still unimpressed and Wadatsumi is about to expand again.

The Minister of the Left and some soldiers approach where Neptune rests. The minister apologizes saying that they let him down. Neptune mentions that if Noah hits the island, it will be exactly as written. The Minister of the Left tells Neptune about the evacuation and encourages the King to leave as well. Neptune says the orders are fine, but he will stay and wait for the prince.

At Gyoncorde Plaza, the Minister of the Right and other soldiers watch the battle from the perimeter of the square, confused as to why there are so many pirates. Some bystanders inform him of what happened before he arrived. The Minister of the Right ordered Neptune’s army to support the Straw Hat Pirates in the square, saying that the country’s honor would be destroyed if only a bunch of pirates supported them. The arrival of the New Fish-Man Pirates army is not at all intimidating. Hammond then arrives, riding what he calls his slave tank, basically a large rickshaw with cannons pulled by human slaves. One of the slaves collapses from exhaustion and Hammond just tells them to leave him. Jinbe asks Robin to free the slaves and says he can’t sit by and watch Hody copy the World Nobles. She frees the slaves and when Hammond attacks her she was just a clone and she grows two clones and uses a double clutch and breaks Hammond’s back. Claiming that they owe her, the human slaves rebel against the New Fish-Man Pirates.

As the battle rages, the Minister of the Left receives a call about the child Den Den Mushi from Border Defense. Border Defense informs the Minister that Noah is once again on a collision course for the island. The minister of the left tells the person to tell the whole island with a national broadcast. He announces it and people start running. Nami is shocked to see Noah return and Jinbe wonders if Shirahoshi and Luffy are safe. The Air Tank man then talks to Luffy and their conversation is captured on other channels. Snippets of a conversation between Luffy and Shirahoshi are heard. All over the island, people are surprised by what they hear. Luffy tries to do something to stop Noah. Then Fukaboshi’s voice is heard over the broadcast system. He tells Luffy what Hody Jones really is.

Fukaboshi tells Luffy, as well as the rest of the island, that Hody is a monster born from their environment. The New Fish-Man Pirates are a group that thrives on hatred and spite. They hate to forget the pain of those who came before them. They also fear that the anger and hatred towards people may one day fade away. He then flashes back to when Fukaboshi asked Hody what happened to him to hate humans so much. The answer that Hody was previously seen speaking was a single word: “Nothing.” Hody goes on to say that the fish men were chosen by heaven to pass judgment on mankind. Fukaboshi then says that the hatred of the New Fish-Man Pirates lacks personal experience and will. They are just empty beings without any substance and their hatred is completely empty. Hody starts laughing maniacally and lunges at Luffy and Shirahoshi with bloodshot eyes.

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